The spirit world is such a fascinating place to us here on the earth. Especially for those of us who are really trying so hard to understand what the spirit world is all about – what does is look lik
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The Twelve Rays are powerful Divine Rays of Light that carry energy from the Great I Am to influence each Spirit Being as they experience their Physical Existence on the earth and along the journey of...
Read MoreAs a spiritual life coach, I am a great advocate for writing. Writing is absolutely the best way to heal yourself. We’ve all heard of keeping a journal and when we think of journals, we think of tee
Read MoreI was born in 1957 and going back through my earliest memories, I can only ever remember everyone talking about us moving into the Age of Aquarius. For those of us who were young in the 60’s and movi
Read MoreChat GPT has become the new Buzzword, particularly around content generators. Whether you are a writer for a technical magazine, social media or create your own content as a spiritual life coach, ene
Read MoreThere are sceptics out there who do not believe that we can communicate with the spirit world. In fact, they’re probably the same people who don’t believe that there is a spirit world to start off wi
Read MoreToday I want you to go on a journey with me using your imagination. To set some background, it is said that we are born out of sin – we start out as imperfect - that when we come into this world, we
Read MoreA well known saying goes… We all do, but it’s too big a task. Now what? Do we leave it as it? Do we try and fail? Do we leave it for the next generation? Do we hope the rapture, or
Read More99.9% of us are self-proclaimed ‘control freaks’. Somehow we seem to feel secure in knowing that we are in control of every single aspect of our lives. I am the first one to say, ‘take control of yo...
Read MoreI had such an interesting conversation with my spirit guides last night. Yes, I do speak to them every day and very often, I get some really good insight into myself and people in general. I star
Read MoreHi there again friends, John here from the United Kingdom at Reaching Out Therapy. In this article I want to share with you some of the knowledge that has been given to me by my guides referencing Qua
Read MoreIt's really important that we know how to meditate, especially if we are wanting to be able to connect to our Spirit Guides. And yes! Everyone has a spirit guide and yes, we can all connect to them!...
Read MoreA beautiful reminder to us all to be more focused and not to spend so much time procrastinating about doing the thing, but actually get right down there and do that thing! If you right-click on...
Read MoreWe all know how important it is to take care of ourselves, yet we so seldom do. We tend to brush our emotions off and shrug our shoulders when it comes to us feeling like we’re struggling. How many
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