Ancient Native American cultures are rich with spiritual and cultural beliefs that have shaped their communities for thousands of years. These belief systems, deeply rooted in nature and the cosmos, n...
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Introduction: Myth and mythology are terms often used interchangeably, yet they carry distinct connotations, especially within the realm of religion. In the study of religious narratives, understandi
Read MoreThere’s a certain energy hanging in the air today – it’s the day before our National Vote takes place. Somehow the energy feels very different. The last few weeks leading up to this auspicious day h...
Read MoreAccording to the Encarta online dictionary, a problem child is "a child who requires a disproportionate amount of attention or correction." We’ve been exploring the different categories of Child Ro...
Read MoreI have been inspired by one of my students to write this article today. During our last session, I was asked to explain how it’s possible for me to tap into the spirit realm, for an hour, with a clie...
Read MoreThe Mascot Child In keeping with the theme of examining the various categories into which we fall when as children, in particular, we experience difficulties and challenges within our family dynami...
Read MoreYou’d love to book a private reading (crossing over) …. But… you don’t really know what it’s all about and one of your biggest questions is, “where is the spirit world?” or “what can I expect from a
Read MoreLet’s talk today about “The Lost Child.” I have been writing a series of articles to discuss the various categories that describe the roles that we take on as children. These generally centre around...
Read MoreTo know what the key to inner peace is, we need to start with knowing what inner peace is. I looked it up and this is the description I found : “Inner Peace : A state of inner peace can be maintai
Read MoreA short while ago, I posted an article where we spoke about the Family Hero Child and today I would like to bring to your attention, the Enabler Child. For the most part, children who have grow...
Read MoreMany years ago, I attended a service at a beautiful Hare Krishna Temple is Lenasia. The first thing that struck me there was the warmth and friendliness with which I was welcomed. No judgement, no q...
Read MoreWe all have at least one dream for ourselves. You know that something that you fantasise about and just wish was reality! Having a dream is one thing, transforming it into reality is definitely so...
Read MoreIn every family, we all have a role to play. Here we explore the role of the "Family Hero Child." Let met know if you recognise yourself here, by commenting at the end of this article : The r...
Read MoreLKM has its roots in Buddhist practice. It's sometimes called metta meditation. It can take many forms, but the core elements involve creating an attitude of unconditional kindness toward oneself and ...
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