Spirit Connection
Do the Best you can Until you know Better
Maya Angelou’s beautiful quote “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”, has always been such an...
Doorways to the Black Moon
Lilith Consultations Mine eyes gleam on thee, lit with an alien light. My lips proclaim mysteries. –George Sterling, Lilith It is out of deep experience...
Positive Change in Our Lives
It feels as if everyone that I know or meet is struggling with the changes that are happening around us. It is so easy to...
Creative Energy
This is a talk that I did in April 2007 – everything still applies, so enjoy! How many of us are aware of our thoughts...
A Message from Mary & Louise
In trying to decide what I should write as an article of interest, I was prompted to go back through my computer and look for...
An excerpt from my book Meandering Musings
What you’re about to read is a compilation of a number of messages that I prepared over a period of about 10 years for my...
Looking into Past Lives
Many of us are quite intrigued by the fact that we have at least lived one previous lifetime and even for those who don’t believe...
What are the Akashic Records and How do we Access them?
We have all already lived through a series of lifetimes and during each of these lifetimes, we have accumulated much learning and wisdom. Each time...
How to Meditate with Your Eyes Open
Have you ever thought about meditating with your eyes open? It can be done and for some people, it is much easier to remain focused...
Write your Own Meditation
Have you ever thought about writing your own meditation. One that resonates with you and takes you into your happy place. Who’s to say that...