Spirit Connection
Finding Your Purpose
Imagine for a moment that you are living a life where you have no financial worries, where you absolutely love your house and don’t ever...
The Second Chakra – The Power Of Relationships
Taken from the anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss Chakra is the partnership chakra. Its energy begins to pulsate and become distinct around the...
The Energy Consequences Of Belief Patterns
taken from anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss Regardless of the truth of familial beliefs, everyone of them directs a measure of our energy...
The Cottingley Fairy Photographs – Continued Part 3
Taken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” In yesterday’s article we discussed these beautiful fairy photographs taken by two young ladies...
The Cottingley Fairy Photographs – Continued Part 2
Taken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” Today’s article we discussed these beautiful fairy photographs taken by two young ladies in...
The Cottingley Fairy Photographs
Taken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” Fairy photographs published The Christmas number of the strand magazine in the year 1920...
First Chakra – Tribal Power
taken from anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss Energy content of the first or tribal chakra is tribal power. The word tribe is not...
Choice and Relationships
Taken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss Second chakra energies need to create life, to move the earth, to make an impression or...
Change Your Perspective
What a crazy world we live in – especially here in South Africa! What with so much negativity going on, we are still able to...
Vulnerability and Safety
Today I want to bring to our awareness and emphasize the importance and magic of safety and why it is such a key factor in...