Spirit Connection
Perception and Awareness
In everything that I do, I look to my guide for inspiration, so all my teaching, readings, writing is always a collaboration between the two...
On Guard: It’s a choice
There are only three human reactions to any life-threatening situation! One evening in December 1994 a friend of mine was getting her washing off the...
Step Into Your Best Self
By now a lot of readers have discovered this wonderful series of videos that I have been creating for you. In almost every reading that...
Acceptance and Belonging
“Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong, because you will always find it. Don’t walk through the world looking for...
The Secret of the Golden Flower
T282 The Inner Teachings 27th July 1966 New Lands, Liss Invocation: Beloved brethren, we come as a group to bring you all love and to...
Stopping Abuse in the Church
My childhood memories are filled with activities that were initiated and funded by the church. The church also provided meals, groceries, counselling, and prayer in...
The Greatest Story of Hope Freedom from a Narcissist
This time of year always finds me tapping into the archetypal energies of Easter, the Exodus and Passover. Whether or not we practice and follow...
Monsters Live in the Dark
The unknown is by far our greatest enemy. The unknown makes us have conversations with ourselves that result in self-proclaimed knowledge. The unknown makes us...
Mystic Crosses & other Markings in Quadrangles
When offering readings, chirology’s 5 realm counseling and coaching model includes exploration into people’s religious and spiritual formative influences, as well as into their current...
The Shadow
Taken from the book The Mystery Experience by Tim Freke A particularly problematic source of internal strife is what is often referred to as the...