Spirit Connection
The Responsibilities of Mediumship
For the most part, people seek the services of a medium, when they are facing difficult and challenging times in their life. When a loved...
Declutter Your Life
A beginning of a new year and no time like the present to declutter your life. Declutter is described in the Oxford dictionary as :...
Is Our Communication Alien?
If those aliens ever find us, I wonder what they would think of us? I remember doing a talk many years ago and I asked...
Is Everything Always Inevitable?
As I sit here this afternoon, it’s only 2:30 but looks light night outside. Rain looks extremely inevitable! I got to thinking how much in...
Staying Strong in Time of Need
We are in the second last month of 2020. So much has happened through this year, it feels almost surreal. We have all changed in...
Angel Number 3
Today (18 August) feels like such an auspicious day. It is an Angel number 3 which is a sign that the Ascended Masters, like Christ...
Creating a New Normal
Just a short while ago, we were all running around, going about our business without too much thought for what the future holds. Then along...
2020 – Is there a Second Wave?
At last it seems that the virus is dissipating. At the time of writing, SA has reached an 89% recovery rate – yay, well done...
You are Always in Control
As I sit here this afternoon preparing my newsletter, it’s only 2:30 but looks light night outside. Rain looks extremely inevitable! I got to thinking...
The Most Important Relationship you have is with Yourself
The most important relationship you will ever have is the one that you have with yourself. I have no doubt that there are many people...