Spirit Connection
You are Creative Power in Action
Words spoken from the heart – spoken with genuine sincerity, kindness and loving acceptance, are what gets us through the day. Treating each other with...
Have Faith and Believe in Yourself
Have faith and believe in yourself and all will be well. This is a message that the guides are constantly reminding us about. They pass...
What does your Body say about You
Since early childhood I’ve had a keen interest in diversity, both on a cultural level as well as a metaphysical. As an empath and intuitive...
Sharing Our Gratitude and What Gratitude Means Stories
Spirit Connection posted an article about Gratitude on 24th October and asks readers to share their stories. The following is a touching and heart-warming...
Free Speech – Expressing your Truth
In my first article I posted on Spirit Connection, I mentioned how I’d been for a Reiki session with a friend. She noted that my...
Believing in Miracles
What if the whole world was suddenly placed at your feet and every decision that you made had a massive effect on absolutely everything and...
Thoughts on Tarot Card Readings
Tarot Card reading is normally associated with fortune- telling/ predictions, but mostly, Tarot is a guiding tool. It assists you in understanding what is surrounding...
Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Truth is Stranger than Fiction – November 2018 Shew – a 22/4* month in an 11/2* year. Both of these are Master Numbers, which means...
A Grounding Meditation
Sometimes when our lives are busy, or when we are stressed or nervous, we begin to feel scattered or “ungrounded.” Sometimes when we are focusing...
Meditation and Mantras
When a man can consciously contact the true Source of his being, the true Source of his life, power flows into him and shines through...