Spirit Connection
Create a Unified Awareness
Composed of our earliest childhood feelings and memories, our basic internal references were formed in response to the stresses of our environment. These basic references...
How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with our guides is one of the easiest things that you can do. “How” I hear you say. Through meditation, that is the only...
Raising Happy Teenagers
Hello Beautiful Souls It gives me great pleasure to be able to touch on a topic, very pertinent in today’s time and also one that...
Be Kind to Yourself
Albert Einstein said : “Insanity is defined as repeating the same behaviour and expecting a different result”. So in questioning : “if everything we think...
Five Ways to Increase the Power of Affirmations
Using the following ways to work on your affirmations will increase their power to help you manifest that which you’re working towards bringing into your...
10 Questions About Guides
Question 1: How many spirit guides can a person have? A: It is possible to have more than one guide. My (Glynis) guides are Oshvaria...
The Power of Creative Expression and How to Tap into It
I wish to share my story about how important creative expression is for emotional healing and how to work on creative blocks. When my husband...
Why Do We Talk but Fail to Truly Communicate?
Having spent my Saturday at an Holistic Fayre selling crystals and giving crystal advice, it was once again brought home to me how many times...
Tarot, Spirit Guide Drawings and Vision Boards
If you’ve ever wondered whether a tarot reading, perhaps a drawing of your spirit guide or creating a vision board, can help you in your...
A Soul at Peace Water Experiment
The experiment is based on Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist and water researcher. I found this was a great starting point for young children...