Spirit Connection
True Inspiration – Focus Inwards
Every day we see inspirational quotes being posted on the internet and sent from one person to the next – people sharing messages that they...
Spiritualism Today
What is Spiritualism? I have worked as a Psychic Medium for many years and my background and training is in Spiritualism and everything that I...
Systemic Family Constellations
Trans-Generational And Systemic Family Healing A relatively new holistic counselling approach, Systemic Family Constellations, actually known as Family Constellations and Trans-Generational Healing pioneered by the...
Meditation and Breathing for Children
Suzie Manson, Founder of Yoga4Kids South Africa and children’s yoga teacher trainer, urges us to remember the invaluable role that meditation (or creative visualisation) and...
Well Known Symbols and their Meanings
Caduceus The traditional symbol of Hermes features 2 snakes coiled around a winged staff. It is often used in medical contexts. However in this form...
Esoteric Theory
The following piece is an extract from http://www.esolibris.com/articles/reality/esoteric_theory.php I am publishing it without permission from the author and will gladly take it down should Spirit...
Devote Yourself to Yourself
Over the last few months, it seems that a pattern in my messages has started to emerge…that of change, lots of change, happening to me...
From Mundane to Remarkable
There always seems to come a time in one’s life where the purposefulness and meaning as to why one is here, alive and participating in...
What is OM?
According to Wikipedia : “OM is part of the iconography found in ancient and medieval era manuscripts, temples, monasteries and spiritual retreats in Hinduism, Buddhism,...