In Part 1 of How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides, I consulted in some detail “How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides, written by Ted Andrews”, and continue to do so. In a chapter entitled “The Human Essence and the Spiritual Realm”, he say this :
There have been numerous descriptions of the spiritual realm by many people. Mystics, clairvoyants, individuals who have had out-of-body or near-death experiences have provided diverse descriptions. It is highly probably that we each bring our own unique perception to this realm.
One of three kinds of explanations is typically given for those who experience this subtle dimension of life. The first is a dismissive explanation. The phenomenon or experience is dismissed as hallucination, fraud, error, overactive imagination, etc. The second is a scientific rationale. It is usually an attempt to demystify all aspects of the experience. For example, in cases of near death, the phenomena experienced may be explained as simply the result of hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain).
The third kind is the occult explanation. In this type, constructs are developed to explain the strange occurrence. These constructs are both philosophical and theological. In the past they have been both simple and elaborate. Although many believe most of them to be pseudo-scientific, they can provide a reasonable, philosophic explanation for that which is often intangible.
One of the most widely accepted occult constructs for the spiritual realm comes from Eastern philosophy (theosophy). In this philosophy there are seven levels or planes of existence. Each level has its own life forms and energies. Different kinds of beings operate at different levels.
To understand how contact with the spirit realm works, we must understand some of the subtle constructs of the human essence involved in this theory. When we get ready to incarnate into physical life our spiritual essence builds subtle bands of energy around itself. These subtle bodies are molded and aligned with the developing fetus throughout pregnancy.
These subtle bodies enable our spiritual essence to integrate harmoniously with the fetus. They serve as a ridge by which we can extend our consciousness from the physical to those more subtle and spiritual realms of life. In this way, these subtle realms remain integral to us throughout our physical life. All we have to do is learn to extend our consciousness to them in a balanced, safe manner.
The energy emanations of the physical body
There are a variety of energy fields that surround and emanate from the physical body. These include, but are not limited to, light, electrical, heat and thermal, sound, magnetic and electromagnetic. These are scientifically measurable and they help to show that the human body is an energy system.
There are of course, many kinds of guides :
Master Teachers
Physical Doctors
Teacher Doctors
Message Bearers
Door and Gatekeepers
There are joy guides who work to bring light and joy into our lives. They are around whenever there is laughter. There are guides who work strictly with healing. There are lifetime guides, beings who oversee us throughout our entire life.
There are specific spiritual guides who may work with us for specific purposes only. We may have a guide for only a single day or for developing a single attribute. We have family guides, totem guides, and even mythological guides.
We have what is called an inner and an out band of guides. The inner band are those spirit guides that work most closely with us on a day to day basis. The outer band comes into play when we begin to work more consciously on our development. It is usually when this occurs that we meet our master teachers and become more conscious of the influence of the spirit realm.
Remember that like us, those in spirit are energy. We will attract that energy which is most like us. Your spirit guides will be beings with individual personalities and can only be classified according to the depth, duration and type of relationship they hold with you. Your spirit guides will make themselves known in a variety of ways. Some guides will use symbols. With others, you will feel touches on different parts of your body. Others may be more auditory. This can range from a simple buzzing or ringing to hearing actual whispers and voices. Some will present themselves through colours or fragrances. Some may appear as creatures. Other may simply show themselves as they once were in the physical Most spirit guides are also distinctly male or female – this is evident by the energy their energy.
Most will give names, but some will not. Names are not as important as the information that comes through the spirit guide. As your guides for names anyway, as it always helps to personalise the relationship. Trust the first name you get, even if it does not seem to fit. Many guides will give you a name that you can remember and relate to. It is not unusual for the name given not to be true name of the guide. Guides, in whatever manner they appear, use an appearance that will be comfortable for you. It will provide clues as to their function within your life. With practise you will be able to distinguish between your guides.
The Symbol of your Spirit Guide
Many spirit guides will reveal themselves through symbols, images or even specific colours. They do not always initially show themselves as they truly are. The symbol provides clues as to their function within your life. Meditation, study and reflection upon the symbol will often play upon your own energy field, raising its level so that you can more easily attune to this guide.