In this video, you can find out everything you need to know about having a private reading to help you make an informed decision in just 5 1/2 minutes!
What you need to know about me
Glynis Brits – Clairvoyant Medium, Spiritual Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Owner of Spirit Connection
I am a clairvoyant medium and spiritual teacher. Working from my home in North Riding, Fourways (Guateng SA), I do private readings for clients where with the help of my Spirit Guide Oshvaria, I connect to my clients’ Spirit Guides and Passed Loved Ones to bring through messages of love and inspiration.
You can download my entire port folio here for free.
The main focus of my readings is to always assist my clients with the challenges that they face in their life. During my readings, loved ones in Spirit will always come through.
Together with my Spirit Guides, we bring enlightenment, understanding and insight to those who seek me out. I always encourage my clients to put together specific questions that they want the Guides to answer so that the time that is spent with me, is both powerful and beneficial to them. Most importantly, is that my clients leave my space being empowered to carry on with their lives in a way that they feel they can.
If you’d like to make a booking to see me, please contact me on whatsapp +27 82 570 6473 or you may email me
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