I was having a conversation about a video wherein four boys were having sexual intercourse with a girl. Apparently, the girl consented. She also consented to recording the session. I have not seen the video and therefore cannot verify the truth of its existence.
I picked up a sense of strong indignation towards the girl from the person sharing the information with me. I, on the other hand, had empathy for this girl which led me to defend her. I explained that it is possible that someone has been abusing the girl at an early age. Breaking and twisting her into believing that that is all she is good for and now that is how she values herself. And what about the boys? Recording the session, as if it were something to be proud of.
I pondered on why born-again Christians sometimes have strong differing views. My pondering eventually turned into prayer, research and eventually writing this piece.
I found this statement online:
“Throughout time, Christianity has changed constantly. To survive, Christianity has had to evolve and split. It has split into many denominations, some of which have become extinct over the centuries. The religion has changed and divided due to influential people and events in time.”[1]
If viewed through the lens of religion, I suppose there is some truth in the statement. The Bible, which is the Word of God, cannot be changed and this is the ultimate truth that directs followers of Christ. However, in the changing times, we may interpret it differently. For example, there was a time when women were not allowed preach. This is still frowned upon in many churches and some pastors even go as far as to speak out against it. This is based on a letter Paul wrote to Timothy. 1 Timothy 2:11-12 reads that a women should learn in quietness and full submission. Further, a woman should also not be permitted to or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet. There is a plethora of literature on the subject. The literature I came across were recent and more in favour of women not being allowed to preach and to be submissive and quiet.
Today this verse would be interpreted as a hatred or contempt for women. In fact, it would be called misogyny. This leads me to pause, and ask, am I allowed to even write this piece? God’s word is the ultimate truth. Am I even allowed to share my testimony on social media? Have I sinned by doing this? The advocate in me tempted to enter the debate. Should I stop, I ask the Holy Spirit in horror?
In response, the still small voice whispers, “Is this what you are concerned about?” People are lost and in need of a Saviour. The world is in trouble and needs prayer.
I decided to leave this discussion to the males debating the issue as the point has become moot for me. Paul also wrote in Galatians 3:28-29 that, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Perhaps Paul realized creating a hierarchy leads to unnecessary squabbles, dynamics, and politics within the body of Christ. We should therefore see ourselves as equals, each playing their part as God has purposed. I cannot imagine a world absent of Joyce Meyer. Her testimony helped countless women and men break free from the trauma and wrong thinking created by abuse.
Which brings me back to the point of why Christians sometimes differ strongly. We all have different ladders of interpretation. My background, upbringing, traumas, and joys is how I perceive the world. But that is not the end of it. In accepting Christ as Saviour, I become a new being. The Spirit of God, known as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, comes to live within my being.
As I learn more about Christ, I grow in him. The Holy Spirit indwelling me guides me to live out my new status. The Holy Spirit also heals me from my emotional wounds and changes how I think and perceive the world. This is done through experiencing metaphorical “wildernesses” and “deserts” and what are regarded as bad circumstances are seen as opportunities for growth and for the fruits of Spirit to become evident in my life. The fruits of the Spirit are love, peace, joy, faithfulness, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, and goodness. The aim is to become increasingly Christlike.
This transformation changes how I perceive the world. However, my experiences remain. I think this is important. Particularly, because I am made for God’s good works, who directs my path and whatever happens, whether, bad or good, God will work it all out for my good.
My experience as a women will always be my point of reference. I believe that is how God purposed it. This explains why I had empathy for the young women and felt the urge to defend her. I suppose that a man will perceive the world differently. I think that is the reason there are differing views amongst Christians.
If I consider how Jesus spent his time on earth, it was mostly helping the poor, weak, sick, and rejected. Yes, he was confrontational about sin but at the same time, he showed love and compassion. I think, if I follow his example and listen to the Holy Spirit, I will be okay. Following Christ and becoming more like him. Yes, and amen.
Zelna Jansen
Zelna Jansen is the Executive Director of Zelna Jansen Consultancy, a lobbying and advocacy firm with the aim of bringing people together to find solutions and helping people to have a more effective conversation with their law- and policy-makers.
She is an admitted attorney of the High Court, with an especially keen interest in public policy, trade law and constitutional law. She has a Bachelor of Arts (prelaw), a Bachelor of Laws and a Masters of Commerce degree specialising in trade law and policy. Through her volunteerism in leading roles in several organisations she actively engages the community and social spirit necessary to continue to uplift many in South Africa today. This includes: educational workshops with community organisations and schools as to how government works, how to participate and how to hold political office bearers accountable. She is actively involved in law and policy reform on GBV and assisted community organisations with submissions on the recent GBV bills before Parliament.
[1] How Did Christianity Change Over Time – 635 Words | Bartleby