By Dolly Knight and Jonathan Stromberg
Apart from the many well-researched properties of water, which makes it unique as the life supporter of this planet, there is one ability of water that mainstream science has tried to ignore and deny : the ‘memory of water’ phenomenon. This phenomenon lies beyond the accepted level of scientific enquiry and little effort has ben made by conventional research institutes to understand it. However there are exceptions and an exciting new understanding of the marvelous properties of what is emerging.
Vibrational Imprinting
Various researchers, such as Professor Jacques Beneviste, Dr Wolfgang Ludwig, David Schweitzer and Masaru Emoto, have provided clear proof that water acts as a liquid tape recorder and is able to receive, store and transmit electromagnetic vibrations. Because water molecules have a positive and negative pole, they behave like little magnets. They attach themselves to their neighboring molecules and form clusters of several hundred molecules. These clusters are very sensitive structures and are impressionable by vibrational influences. This is what gives water the ability to store information.
This is closely linked to homeopathy, where a substance is diluted so many times that eventually there’s virtually no molecule of the original substance left, yet it still has an effect. Homeopathy works because of the cluster ability to store vibrational imprints. Every substance and element has its own individual vibrational patter, a bit like an energy blueprint. If one carries out the homeopathic process of diluting and succussing, the vibrational pattern of the remedy material becomes locked into the cluster structure of the carrier water. When you take this homeopathically prepared remedy, the cluster structure is transferred to the body and you react to the vibrational pattern of the original substance from which the remedy was prepared.
This phenomenon was shown to occur under rigid scientific conditions by Jacques Benveniste in France in the late 1980’s and was confirmed by researchers at five different universities. It caused quite a stir and subsequently a cover-up by the mainstream scientific community.
If water is this susceptible to vibrational imprinting, does it also take on the imprints of environmental pollutants and chemicals with which it has been in contact and transfer them to us when we drink it?
Unfortunately this seems to be the case. In Germany, Wofgang Ludwig has carried out tests that show that not only does the physical pollutant have a damaging effect, but so does the water that has been exposed to the pollutant, because the cluster structure has taken on the vibrational imprint of the pollutant.
This has huge ramifications for us. Basically, conventional water and sewage treatment systems are not adequate. They may remove the physical pollutants and produce tap water that’s chemically clean. However, the cluster structure of the water is completely unaffected by the treatment and will still convey the vibrational pattern of toxins and chemicals to the human body.
However, all is not lost. Thanks to the intriguing work of the Austrian forester Viktor Schaugerger (1885 – 1958). He had ample opportunity to study the workings of nature in unspoiled Alpine forests. Being an extremely intuitive man, very much in turn with the natural world, he soon developed ideas and theories regarding nature, and particularly water, that were in conflict with conventional scientific understanding. Early on, he discovered that there was an underlying principle governing all natural processes. He called this ‘implosion’.
Schauberger became a prolific writer and inventor. His inventions were linked to water supply, natural river regulation, agriculture, propulsion and energy generation, and were all based on implosion. He’s very important to us in that he pointed out a new way of looking at nature and exciting new possibilities – if nature’s true workings could be really understood and copied in a technological sense.
Implosion is a suctional process that causes matter to move inward, not outward, as in the case of explosion. This inward (centripetal) motion doesn’t, however, follow a straight (radial) path to the centre, but a spiraling, whirling path. This is called a vortex and is the secret of nature. Bathwater, when empties, flows through the plug hole in this spiraling vortex fashion. Water will always try to follow the path of least resistance. This is what the vortex is enabling it to do. It’s reducing resistance by curving inward more and more, thereby avoiding the confrontational resistance of straight motion.
The vortex motion, which also causes a drop in temperature and increase in density, is paramount for water to stay healthy and disease free. Natural water courses are naturally spiraling and meandering and the water in them forms whirls and eddies, which are vortices. In nature there are virtually no straight forms; and whenever possible vortices, spirals and curves are produced to reduce resistance. Yet in conventional technology, explosion, combustion and straight motion are employed, all of which increase resistance and temperature and are fundamentally against nature. Realization of this caused Schauberger to proclaim emphatically : “Our technologists are moving matter incorrectly. Their technologies and interference with nature are detrimental to us and our plant.’
Re-energising Water
After researching Viktor Schauber for a couple of year, we were convinced that he had something very important to impart to humanity. Sadly, not a lot of work has been carried out in the last few decades on developing practical applications for his ideas. So we started full-time research in September 1997 and developed an implosion machine. In this machine, water is made to form very powerful vortices. We found that water undergoing this process of implosion was developing a rhythmically pulsating field of energy, which comprised the full spectrum of etheric colours. During this process, it was brought back to its natural vibrant energetic state and regained its life force. This energetic charge turned out to be permanent and didn’t diminish after the implosion process was completed.
We further discovered that when filled into particular shapes, this imploded water transferred its energy to samples of ordinary non-energised wateruntil they reached the same level of charge as the imploded water. The imploded water was resonating ordinary water in a similar fashion to the way one tuning fork picks up the vibrations of another, the difference being that on the etheric level, the vortical dynamics and vibrations are perpetual.
After building the implosion machine. We developed a spiraling copper divide called the “Vortex Energiser’, in which we filled our imploded water. We found that placing this Vortex Energiser onto the domestic water mains resonated the tap water following past, thereby charging it up with life force or etheric energy. The benerfits of energizing ordinary tap water in this way are varied : the clarity and taste of the water improve – the water is more palatable and less hard; the taste and smell of chlorine are much reduced or even eliminated; lime-scale deposits become soft and are eventually removed; bathing in energized water is a reviving experience, leaving skin supple and soft; fresh food and cut flowers washed with or placed in the water last longer.
Perhaps most important, by reclustering water and at the same time energizing it in this way, we believe that we’re superimposing a natural vibrational pattern onto a pattern of man-made contaminants, thereby deleting the memory of the water’s abused past.