Oh my, isn’t it interesting when everything seems to be quiet and then suddenly out of left field, your life just seems to speed up and you begin to feel that if you don’t get a grip, everything will soon spiral totally out of control. It’s almost like you feel like you work so hard, with absolutely no return, and then BAM!
I watched an incredibly interesting webcast the other day presented by Mind Valley, the founder is Vishen Lakhiani. What an interesting man. Do yourself a favour and go check him out on YouTube. What he was talking about is this : According to him and his experience, it takes only 17 seconds of focusing on anything that we want to materialise into our space, to make it happen. The problem that we all have, is that we do one of two things. We either try to control the outcome all the time instead of leaving it to the Universe or we get impatient and believe that we haven’t had our prayers answered and so we jump onto the next thing. What happens then, is that the thing that we focused on and asked the Universe to help bring into our space, is just about to land, and we change course and so of course, it never lands in our space.
So the challenge of course is always to go with the old adage that we all know so well, but don’t seem to trust enough and that is to Let go and Let God. Because when we fully grasp how to do this, then we will be granted that which we asked for. It’s not that God is denying us anything, it’s actually we who are denying ourselves the beauty of receiving the very thing that we asked for.
It’s very much about understanding how we use the Creative Energy of the Creative Spirit to invoke into our lives that which we desire. We need to understand that we use the Creative Energy every day in everything that we do, without even knowing it. And because we are so wired to focus on the negative and to focus on the sense that we don’t have, that we in fact invoke that very thing into our lives.
Start every day with a meditation. Connect yourself to the Universal Consciousness. You don’t have to be clairvoyant, psychic, clairaudient etc. You just need to know that your intent will get you where you need to. Spend five minutes in the morning and if possible, five minutes in the middle of the day and again five minutes before you go to bed. It’s not too much to ask of yourself. Actually, is it really too much to invest 15 minutes a day into your own life? I certainly don’t think so.
So I’m setting challenge for us all. Starting today, I will also be focusing 15 minutes a day on my life and will share with you where possible and I ask you to do the same. Start off with visualing the emotion that you feel when you think about that which you don’t want in your life. It could be your environment, it could be a bad relationship, whatever it is just allow yourself to feel how it feels. Then, shift your focus onto what you would want your environment to be or how you would like that relationship to be and allow yourself to feel how it would feel if it were so. And here’s the trick – sit within that positive emotion for just 17 seconds. It’s not that long. And you can time yourself if you like. Then, bring yourself back from your meditation and say thank you to your guides and loved ones for connecting with you. Remember, that you don’t have to even be consciously aware that they are with you, just know that they are. And then leave it with the Universe / our Creator. And know that it will come to pass. It may take 2 days, it may take 2 months, it may even take 2 years. But know, with a deep sense of feeling within your solar plexis, that it will happen.
Trust is a huge issue for us all. It’s really difficult to trust other people and even more difficult for us to trust ourselves. And so it’s a lesson for us all to learn. How much easier for us all to work on this together. To learn to trust that we are guided in every possible way and also that we have equipped ourselves even before we came to the earth, to deal with the lessons, challenges and achievements that come our way.