I would like to begin this article today with asking the question Who are you?
Our minds are incredibly powerful and they control everything about our lives. Which prompts the question : Are we the mind? If so, where is the mind? Where does it reside? There is no empirical evidence that tells us that the mind resides in the brain. So where is the mind? And what is the mind?
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Our minds reside within the universal consciousness. The universal consciousness is that space where all energy resides. It is the spirit world. It is where thoughts, ideas and memories reside. This explains why so many people come up with the same ideas, the same thoughts. If I ask you to go back to a time in your life when you were happy, just do that now… think of a time when you were your most happy … where did you collect that memory from? Does that memory trigger that sense of happiness? Do you feel it as you recall it? That memory resides within your energy, within the space that you, as a soul, occupy within the universal consciousness.
We are awareness and intelligence… but why do we find it so hard to love ourselves?
Pain and trauma is a fact of life
We have all experienced pain and trauma at some point in our life. Somehow, the memories of these experiences seem to sneak up on us and we’re immediately transported back in time. We feel the hurt and disappointment, the resentment and absolute raw pain, come bubbling out from deep within us and it’s as if we’re doing it all over again.
We have become human doings and are no longer human beings? Would you agree with that? We’re so busy doing life, doing work, doing lunch, doing our jobs, doing our relationships, doing the washing, doing the cleaning up, doing homework with our children, doing date night with our partners, doing catch up with our friends!
We no longer give ourselves time to just be – to be human beings.
No wonder we feel like we’re constantly treading the hamster wheel. No wonder we feel like we’re constantly in a state of flux. No wonder we feel like we’re not moving forward in our lives. No wonder it just feels like we’re doing the same thing over and over and never getting any resolution. A client once told me that her and her husband had been having the same conversation, at different intervals in their marriage, for ten years! When said out loud, that sounds absolutely bonkers!
Einstein told us all that to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome is ‘the’ sign of madness. Yet, so many of us believe that we’re more intelligent than Einstein, and if we just believe hard enough and essentially avoid what the actual main underlying issue is, eventually through doing the same thing over and over again, we’ll be the lucky ones, we’ll be the ones who achieve an eventual different outcome.
And we ask ourselves, why is it that we find it so hard to love ourselves!
We’re told it’s selfish. It’s not right. We are forced to buy into a set of social constructs that prevent us from being true to ourselves.
This is the origin of our constructing layers of ourselves. We place layer upon layer to conform. To please others and become who we believe we’re expected to be.
And… We lose ourselves in the process.
So … How is the soul connected to the body?
How is it that we’re connected into this universal consciousness where everything resides as well as I must add… the powerful creative energy of the Great I Am (our creator). Let me explain. The soul which is essentially light, is energetically joined to the physical body through silver filaments of energy and they rest at the top of the spine where your neck and head connect. Then there is another filament that connects to the centre of the spine in your heart / solar plexus space and another one that connects to the base of your spine.
Our will (or thoughts/brain/memories) is connected to the universal consciousness through the space of our solar plexus and the heart. I have a beautiful meditation that takes you through the process of connecting into who you fundamentally are and I will share that with you soon. Interestingly your heart beats around 100 000 times in a 24 hour period – that’s around 35 million beats in a year! This meditation takes you to connecting directly into your heart.
On a soul level, we all know that we have to work through the pain and the trauma. We have to take all our experiences head on and deal with them at the time. But our minds are so busy blocking out the awful experiences that we do not allow ourselves time to move through the trauma, to embrace it as a friend to assist you in your personal growth.
Instead, we lock it away deep down in our psyche and then… No wonder we suffer with constant back pain. No wonder we develop arthritis. No wonder we find ourselves with heart problems. No wonder we find ourselves with cancerous cells invading our bodies. Cancer cells are cells that have forgotten to die! We should be living our lives in preparation for our death! No wonder we find ourselves not being able to digest certain foods. No wonder we just lose our zest for life and eventually in being so closed off, our minds no longer allow us to feel.
But the cycle doesn’t end there you see. Your body needs to feel all these experiences. Your soul needs to feel all these experiences too. And that’s when you wake up one day and wonder why you feel so heavy. Why is it that these memories are crying out to be remembered, to be honoured, to be set free?! And a way to do that is to, when you are in the experience, take a step back, see the experience, feel the experience and let it go. It’s not easy, but it can be done.
This life that we have chosen is meant to be filled with experiences. Fabulously joyous experiences – those that make you feel like you’re walking on air. Less intensely happy experiences – those that keep you feeling good about yourself. Much less intensely happy experiences – those that take you down a path of questioning yourself, of questioning why you’re here, of questioning your purpose, of questioning your self-worth, of questioning your ability to ever feel joyously happy again. And that’s the reason you’re here today, reading or listening to this article, because you have already started asking yourself those questions.
Facing your problems as and when they arise is the best way to deal with all the experiences as they come along or as some of us feel, as they’re thrown at us by a universe with a sick and warped sense of humour! And it starts with recognizing your self-worth, with truly honouring yourself. It’s about tapping into your higher self – your higher-self being you, you at your very core, your absolute soul essence – that part of you that knows what’s best for you and is brave and courageous and loves you unconditionally. It’s also about knowing that for the most part, you just can’t do this on your own. With time, and through changing the way you see yourself, you will be. But in the beginning, you’re more than likely not going to know how.
Closing off your heart causes deep painful experiences
We bring up walls of protection and shut everything out. All our opportunities presented to us get missed out on. We place ourselves in a position where we’re unable to feel joy, gratitude and love – but we also close ourselves off to the pain and in so doing, we don’t allow ourselves opportunities to grow.
Our minds keep us trapped in the past reliving painful experiences over and over and we lose our ability to connect to the future. Our bodies want to experience and feel everything and our souls want to connect to the present moment. But our minds blocking prevents this happening and we become ill.
In the whole process, we lose ourselves. We lose who we are at our essence, our very centre of our being. And the more we lose ourselves, the more difficult it becomes to peel back all the layers of hurt, disappointment, resentment, bitterness etc and find our way back to ourselves. The challenge is that unless we connect with ourselves, find who we truly are, we’re unable to heal ourselves and the cycle just continues.
Before I end off, I feel the need to remind you that I am available to work with you through Spiritual Life Coaching – you can read more about it right here on Spirit Connection website. If you’d like to know more, I have a very informative brochure that you can download to read at your leisure and would love to chat to you. All contact details are on the Spiritual Life Coaching page.