When you’ve been something for a very long time, you no longer actually notice that you do it. When you live your life in a certain way, you no longer notice that you do. That got me thinking about my Spiritual Journey and what it has meant to me. What have I learned along the way.
It’s not really something that can easily be articulated but I’m going to give it my best shot…
- The only thing that separates you and I is the journey that we chose for this lifetime. Knowing that we all get to select the life that we want to live, makes this a little easier to understand. We choose who we are going to be, where we’re going to be born, who we’re coming to share this life experience with. We choose the lessons that are intertwined within these relationships. We choose all the very big challenges that we’re going to experience and we even get to choose when we can leave this earthly experience and return back to spirit. With all this understanding of our life, it’s easy for us to see that there is nothing else that separates us from each other, except for the life that we chose to live this lifetime round. Whether you’re rich or poor. Whether you’re extremely healthy or not. Whether your circumstances afford you a fairly simple ride through life, or they don’t. We as human beings, cannot judge the circumstance of anyone, because we do not know where that person is on their spiritual journey. And of course, the purpose of living out a human existence is to heal our souls, to progress along our spiritual path on the road to absolute perfection.
- Our minds are the most powerful tool we have. We create our reality through what we believe and we believe what we tell ourselves. We have a way of convincing ourselves that we are always right even we’re so off, it’s just ridiculous! Through what we believe, our world is created. And it is through that personal world that we create, that we see the world around us. Our perceptions of everything in our life, the people, our circumstances etc, create for us a world that feels very real to us. Sometimes our perception is spot on, but for the most part, it’s not. We have conversations with ourselves that can be so destructive to our very existence, and we have to learn to monitor those conversations. We need to always be correcting ourselves, correcting our thoughts. We need to always check the facts. When something appears to be real to you, run a checklist through your mind and make that assessment, is this actually what has happened or is it just something that I’ve made up?
- People will always give us what we want. I know that sounds strange to you and I hear you saying ‘yeah right!’ However, if you consider that the energy that you send out to the world, is an indication of your perception of the world and what you believe you are worthy of, then you can understand that people will return exactly that to you. The interesting thing here is that we’re always so disappointed that we don’t get what we long for, what we hope would happen or be the outcome. But we do most certainly get what we believe we should and that happens because of our personal truth. Our personal truth is developed and solidified through the conversations we have with ourselves, through our perception of what our reality is. Something to think about!
- As human beings we are programmed to focus on the negative. We are trying to navigate a world, so advanced technologically and intellectually, with a brain that developed when we first stepped onto the earth. Now that’s a crazy thought. But it certainly explains why we are always looking out for danger. When we were living in caves, lighting fires with two sticks we rubbed together, we were always alert to what creatures were out there ready to pounce and take us as their prey. Now we’re walking through this existence in a very different world, but still inherently inclined to be on high alert. That makes it very difficult for us to be consciously aware of just how amazing our lives actually are. How is it possible for us to see all the positive aspects of our lives when we’re focusing on the negative?
- Everyone deserves kindness. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your status is. You deserve to be treated with kindness. And by the same token, the people around you deserve to be treated with kindness as well. There’s not much more needed here as an explanation. It’s just a basic human right that everyone deserves.
- Everyone wants to be needed. Suicide statistics have risen so drastically in the last five years, particularly across western countries and within the male population. During a research project just recently undertaken, it was reported that more than 75% of suicide notes stated that the world would be better off without them. These people who passed by their own hand, no longer felt needed! That’s very sad! We need to be more cognizant of each other’s emotional needs and we need to tell each other so much more often, how important we are in each other’s lives!
- Everyone wants to be seen and heard. I follow a YouTube channel entitled “The Soft White Underbelly”. A channel where people from the most challenging backgrounds are interviewed. There’s a common thread that runs between all these interviewees and that is that they have never been seen and never been heard. Where they were little children experiencing untold of abuse, and even when they did speak up, they weren’t believed – they weren’t heard. Through the abuse they were made to feel like they weren’t being seen – they were just there to be used at the whim of their abusers’ hands. And believe when I tell you there are so many adults struggling through their lives because of their early childhood experiences. The struggle is so real, so tangible and when it comes down to the wire, all they have ever wanted is to be seen and heard. Let’s start that today. When you see someone standing next to you, dressed in rags and begging for money, look them in the eye, offer them a smile. Tell them “I see you”. It doesn’t take any effort and you have no idea how your act of kindness could just be that one thing that stops them from being another statistic.
- We become what we consume. I don’t only mean that what we put in our mouths. In this great technological age in which we are living, we have so much information thrown at us every day. Be wary of what you consume. Be wary of where you place your focus. You most certainly do become that which you pay your greatest attention to. Interestingly, there are algorithms that run in the background of your digital consumption, that feeds you more of what you focus on. Essentially you end up becoming slave to that algorithm and the only way to prevent that is to not read everything that you are fed, don’t comment on it and control those algorithms through not liking and blocking them from your feeds. There’s no getting away from the fact that our lives are controlled digitally, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not in control.
I wanted to give you 10 points today, but this feels enough. If I can sum up for you, what I have learned along my spiritual journey is that we are all doing the very best we can with what we have chosen. If we’re doing well at it, that doesn’t make us better than the next, it just means that we have a better grip on what we’re doing. Nothing more, nothing less. Understand that we all chose what we’re experiencing. No-one has been selected especially above anyone else. No-one has been given anything that you haven’t been. You create your own reality and it’s up to you to decide what you want that reality to be.