Once you’ve decided where you will meditate, keep to the same place every time. Sit in a straightbacked chair with your feet flat on the floor. You could also sit on the floor if that is more comfortable for you. Try crossing your legs if you do decide to sit on the floor. You could also use a prayer stool which is a very comfortable way to meditate.
There are many beautiful meditation music CD’s available at various esoteric shops. However, you can also search on YouTube and find something that soothes you and that you feel works for you. You want to relax and allow your mind to slip into an alpha state which is where you will be most receptive to connecting to the Universal Consciousness.
Take a minute to listen to the sounds around you. Feel your body and the chair or floor beneath you. Breathe in and out slowly in a rythmical way and let your breathing relax your body and your mind. Don’t pay too much attention to your thoughts when they pop into your head, just let them come and go. Invite your guides and the angels into your space through either verbally talking to them, thoughts within your mind or just sensing that you are extending the invitation to them.
Within your mind’s eye, visualise a cloud of white protective light surrounding you. See it as a cacoon around you and ask that this white protective light will remain around you whilst you meditate in order to ensure that no negative energies affect you in any way.
Allow the music to guide you. You may want to remain in your meditative state for only one piece of music in the beginning. As you go along, you may feel that two or three pieces of music is what you need.
When your selected music ends, slowly feel your feet, hands and the chair or floor beneath you. Become aware of your surroundings and bring your focus back to the sounds in the room. When you feel comfortable, you can open your eyes. Allow yourself a few minutes to become totally aware of the present moment. Thank your guides for being with you. You can now get up and carry on with your day.