The journey of our soul is directly linked into our seven main chakra energy points. Each of these energy points represent a level (for want of a better word) of the journey. Below is an explanation of what each chakra represents in terms of our soul’s journey and what we need to work through within that chakra energy space. For the sake of this article, I have listed in order of each chakra point starting at the base chakra and as we progress, we are in essence working up through the significance of each chakra.
Base Chakra which is red. Situated at the base of the spine represents lessons related to the material world. We are all connected to this chakra when we start our spiritual journey, and are essentially innocent souls yet to be awakened.
Sacral Chakra which is orange. Situated between the base of the spine and the navel, represents lessons relating to sexuality, work and physical desire ie our creative life force. At this point the soul is awakening, but perhaps still not really aware of what is going on around us in the spiritual sense. We begin to know that there is something more, but we have no idea what or how to find out.
Solar Plexus Chakra which is yellow. Situated at the solar plexus, represents lessons related to ego, personality and self- esteem. At this point we know that something is happening to us, but as yet aren’t quite aware of what. We are becoming aware of our surroundings and finding our spiritual feet.
Heart Chakra which is green. Situated in line with our heart, represents lessons related to love, forgiveness and compassion. We have evolved to the point of knowing that we are all love and that compassion for our fellow man is essential to our own spiritual growth. We no longer harm others or other life around us unnecessarily and we are aware of our Creator and who we essentially are. We may not yet have evolved to the point of using our free will to our advantage, but we are certainly aware of
the bigger picture and where we fit in the greater scheme of things. We know that we need to be of service to others and that we are all connected and one in the Divine. We may not have as yet reached a state of pure bliss, but we know that we are happy and we do every now and so often feel that bliss. This motivates us to try and do better and to get to the goal that we have incarnated to do.
Throat Chakra which is blue. Situated at the throat represents lessons related to our will and self-expression. No matter how spiritually aware we are at the heart centre, we do still find it very hard to control our emotions and we all say things that we wish we hadn’t. It is very hard to not voice things, particularly when we are annoyed. The Throat Centre is very hard to control. We judge others, we talk about others, and we very often get hooked into spreading negative energy through our throat centre. Of course, being spiritually aware, we become very annoyed with ourselves and we do try not to get caught in this web. We are now at the centre where we start to say: Not my will, but thine be done. When we first enter this phase of our spiritual journey, we are still learning to control what we say, and how we say it. Once we start to control our speech, we move along and we learn to know that the will of our Creator is most important. He/She does not want us to suffer and as we honour our connection to the Divine we find that we no longer have the need to be caught up in the negative things anymore. Where we would have had to have had our say in the past, we now just let it pass us by.
Third Eye Chakra which is the 6th chakra and is Indigo. Situated at the third eye, represents lessons related to mind, intuition, insight and wisdom. We have reached the stage of totally giving over to the Divine, totally understanding, not my will but thine be done. We have reached the state of knowing that without the Divine we are nothing and fully aware of the spiritual beyond and able to communicate with those who have gone before. We are quite content and happy with who we are and where we are going. Our ego has been almost totally eradicated. We no longer need the ego in any way. But what happens when we surrender fully? Have we now lost our identity and our free will? NO. Our free will is never taken away from us. The difference now is that we are able to use our free will the way we were meant to. We can make informed decisions. We use our free will with respect and this helps us in our everyday lives. We are no longer without direction. We are no longer left to our own devices, but have the guidance from above beside us to help us along every step of the way.
Crown Chakra which is the 7th Chakra and is Purple in colour. Situated at the crown of the head, represents lessons related to spirituality. We have now moved up to the top of the ladder and have mastered all that we need to master to attain spiritual bliss. We now no longer have to return to the wheel of life. We have become master souls and we can now help those who are behind us. We have experienced the various facets of life on the earth and we have finally reached perfection. We know without a doubt who we are. We are totally free of negativity and we are totally connected to the Divine. The will of the lower self no longer features at all. The will of the Divine is in control and we have finally matured.