Taken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” In yesterday’s article we discussed these beautiful fairy photographs taken by two young ladies in 1917. You know we continue ...
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Taken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” Today's article we discussed these beautiful fairy photographs taken by two young ladies in 1917. We now continue today with t...
Read MoreTaken from a book published by Edward L Gardner Entitled “Fairies” Fairy photographs published The Christmas number of the strand magazine in the year 1920 contained an obstacle pastor Arthur C...
Read Moretaken from anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss Energy content of the first or tribal chakra is tribal power. The word tribe is not only a synonym for family but an archetype, and as such it has ...
Read MoreTaken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss Second chakra energies need to create life, to move the earth, to make an impression or contribution to the continuum of life. Creative energy, unl...
Read MoreWhat a crazy world we live in – especially here in South Africa! What with so much negativity going on, we are still able to rise above it all and make light of it. I think South African’s are amazi...
Read MoreToday I want to bring to our awareness and emphasize the importance and magic of safety and why it is such a key factor in everyone’s journey towards themselves. Irrespective whether you are a woman o...
Read MoreWinter is such an interesting time. People, especially us here in South Africa, definitely go into hibernation – well most of us do anyway. I think that sun signs find it much more difficult to endu...
Read MoreThis article is dedicated to James who passed to spirit on 22nd May 2023. I need to set the back story to this article for you all otherwise it may not actually make much sense to you. My 34-yea
Read MoreI was reminded again today how much we allow ourselves to be ruled by our fears. Fear is an acronym for False evidence appearing real. There is no true threat, immediate danger and no threat of a lo...
Read MoreInteresting that as a society, we find it necessary to dedicate particular segments of time during the year, to focus on important aspects of our lives, which we should essentially be focusing on ever...
Read MoreThe guides have been telling us for so long now that change is inevitable and they’re bringing it into our space here and now. It is no longer something that is in the future – something that they ar...
Read MoreAnd I would do anything to have him back in my life. But it would have to stop right there. It could not go one step further. It could not talk about the future. It could only be the present. Too much...
Read MoreIn 2018 I published an article entitled, “Is time speeding up?” If you didn’t get to read it, please do, (click here) I think it certainly offers something to think about. And whether or not you bel...
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