Take from Psychic Children by Sylvia Browne The sources of all accurate predictions and prophecies psychically exist on the Other Side. To understand that, there are some basic things you need to ...
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How often have you felt this way, that you really just don’t feel like doing anything? The times you should be doing the washing, or following up on that phone call or sorting out those old clothes? I...
Read MoreTaken from the book Psychic Children by Sylvia Browne Dream Category #1 : Astral Travel We all know as a fact, not a theory, that our spirits can and do function separately from our bo...
Read More‘High tech’ was a trend some time ago and has become part of most people’s lives, e.g. smart phones, online banking, social media, and the countless more blessings and curses of our high tech age. ...
Read MoreI had the most wonderful conversation yesterday which went from discussing my client’s possibilities to explore in developing her new spiritual practise and ended off discussing aliens, near death exp...
Read MoreI have one friend who calls to check in on me often. She knows my life is beyond anything "normal" people can do. She helps me remember that I am not crazy. I am doing something a sane person can’t do...
Read MoreYou know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from
Read MoreTake from A Healers Journey into Light by Lorna Todd Whereas eastern religion incorporate the law of reincarnation and the law of cause and effect within their teachings, here in the West arguments...
Read MoreLevi H. Dowling Exported from Wikisource on August 29, 2022 The twelve apostles now had reached the stage of spirit consciousness, and Jesus could reveal to them the deeper meanings of his mi
Read MoreHello everyone, following on from a post earlier this year relating to Mother Earths response to Global warming I received an update yesterday whilst taking part in a Trance Mediumship workshop with a...
Read MoreTaken from Songs from the Mountain by Djohariah Toor When power has been abused, or when we have no models for authentic strength in childhood, we have to go to the source of that wound for answers...
Read MoreThe Inner Teachings, 14th July 1954 – St Mary Abbot’s Place, London Invocation: Let us pray to the Source of life, to God the Almighty Spirit—Thou who art all-enfolding Love, Wisdom and Power, w
Read MoreGirdles are indisputably the most spiritually relevant lines in any set of hands. These semi-circular, bowl-shaped lines lie above water (heart) lines, beneath earth (Saturn) and fire (Apollo) fingers...
Read MoreTaken from The Teachings of Silver Birch (1938) Not since the Victorian era when several noted scientists investigated and attested psychic phenomena, including full-form materializations under tes...
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