The question of free will is one that has dogged man through the centuries. Can we change the course of our lives? Do we have absolute or partial free will? Silver Birch always welcomes difficult q...
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I was sharing experiences about when you believe God has called you to do something. In sharing, we spoke of the difficulties and hardships encountered on the journey, however, despite this we felt co...
Read MoreMan's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a "secondary rationalization" of instinctual drives. This meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by ...
Read More“On drawing a card, for comfort and guidance, regarding a moment or three that I had last week, I am comforted and reminded of Spirit’s continual presence when I picked the card “Transformation”. The
Read MoreThe first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realise their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they re...
Read MoreThere is a golden thread of thought that runs between us all when we think about the legacy that we will one day leave. And that thought is that we hope to be remembered as someone who lived a life ‘...
Read MoreFreedom is a deep rooted essence of us human beings; it is embedded in our ancestral cell memory. However we are deprived the right to experience this existential and most wonderful condition because ...
Read MoreHaving recorded a few of the messages given by Silver Birch to various kinds of people, I think I must include Hannen Swaffer’s story of the sitting given by the guide to Mary Pickford, the film star ...
Read MoreIf you build it, they will come – this is what my Spirit Guide told me more than 20 years ago and it’s an expression that I’ve always held close to my heart. It’s about believing in yourself enough t...
Read MoreAll the lines that run parallel to and on the insides of earth lines are fire-governed. In their strongest physical manifestation they originate from Mars mounts above the protrusion of the thumbs and...
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore this fact : Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction. Every moment is a fresh beginning. As we find ourselves on our last legs moving out...
Read MoreA213 Sunday Address 5th February 1950 St Mary Abbots Place, London Sunday service Yet another miracle will follow in the withdrawal of the life of the plant from physical or material form after its...
Read MoreThe focus in personal protection should not be on fighting. It should always be about not getting hurt. We live in one of the most violent societies on earth. With crime spiralling out of control, yo
Read MoreThe third principle of Spiritualism is The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels. “The Ministry of Angels brings enhanced wisdom to enlighten the individual, society and the world in which w
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