Why are we here? Why are we living this particular life in this particular era and in this particular part of the world?
I’ve been honoured to have worked with so many people over the last 20 odd years. This is a question that comes up so often during my readings. But more so now than ever before. Almost everyone that I see is asking what their particular purpose is. Why have they chosen to be here at this particular time and why have they gone through the things that they have?
Being a victim has nothing to do with these questions. People are really looking into their lives and asking the big questions. In order to bring a sense of peace and belonging to our souls, we need to find the answers that we’re looking for.
Our guides know our life path. They know what we have committed to in our contract for this lifetime. Interestingly, so do we. We connect with spirit every night when we sleep. Through this connection, we check in with our guides, to see where we are and what we have achieved so far. The secret lies in asking them to help us to remember the next day and if we’re able to consciously connect with our higher selves, we will be able to tap into the inspiration, guidance and love that we get from our guides, to help us on this life’s path.
And of course, the only way in which we can do this, initially at least, is through meditation. Meditation is so good for us. Besides teaching us how to quieten our minds and how to take control of our thoughts, it increases our vibration and allows us to sense the higher vibrations where our true essence exists – that place which we all call home. It’s really not a difficult process either.
For many years, I’ve been telling people that everyone is clairvoyant. Each and every one of us has the ability to connect to spirit. Each and every one of us has the ability to connect to our guides. And each and every one of us is able to receive guidance from spirit, sense it, feel it, hear it, see it and interpret it to find the meaning in our own lives. It just takes commitment and dedication. I hear a lot of people saying that they can’t meditate because their minds are way too busy. It’s not about getting your mind to stop firing off thoughts. What it is about, is setting those thoughts aside ie not focusing on them. It’s not physiologically possible to shut the thoughts in our minds down.
Essentially it’s all about how much one wants to feel the connection. How much one wants to be consciously aware of the love and inspiration, the guidance and connection to our guides and to our loved ones who are there at any time to help facilitate situations, ideas, thoughts, emotions etc to our advantage and to make our path so much easier.
For me, understanding what my life path is, means that I need to be able to go back to my previous lives and find out what that’s all about. Our soul’s journey is more than just the sum of this lifetime’s existence and experiences. It’s about an accumulation of understanding, wisdom and knowledge, over many lives lived on the earth. Everything that we’ve already been through in previous lives has an impact on this one – something like learning through grades 1 to 9 and continuing in grade 10. We would never have reached grade 10, if we didn’t already complete grades 1 to 9. And if we weren’t able to remember what we learned in the lower grades, how would we understand the higher grades and pass on to the next level?
I’m not advocating everyone running off and finding someone to do past life regression for them. What I am saying is that there is no reason why you can’t do it yourself.
Meditate, meditate, meditate and record everything that you get. Keep a meditation book in the same space where you meditate and after each meditation, write down what you got. Initially it may feel a little arbitrary, but after a while, you’ll see patterns starting to emerge. You’ll see messages starting to take shape and at that point in time, you will get the aha moment that you’ve been looking for. So rewarding when you do it yourself. Somehow, for me, it makes the connection so much stronger and somehow the connection becomes much more permanent than someone else telling you.
So my advice to everyone. Know that you God. You and I and everyone else inhabiting the earth, are true expressions of God. One pure expression of unconditional love. And when we get that, we will see how much more comfortable we can feel within ourselves.