Why is it that when things are going really well, we start to feel uneasy? We start to back-pedal with a “Whoa! What’s happening here?! Why am I happy?! Why is everything in my life going well?! We begin to question what we could be doing wrong!
It’s as if we have become so accustomed to putting out fires, feeling let down, working under stress and always feeling inadequate, that when we’re not in this permanent negative state, we just don’t know how to cope! What strange creatures we are?!
So much of our time is spent dreaming of what it would be like to live a calm, peaceful life where everything runs according to plan and we don’t have to worry about anything. We send out petitions to the universe, asking for help, asking for our paths to be cleared and to be drawn into a place where we experience only peace and harmony, where our lives run smoothly and we have space to breathe. Then, when our request is granted, we default to questioning ourselves, questioning how could it possibly be that we’re experiencing this lull in our lives, why we aren’t stressing about anything.
What happens then, is that we start to spiral downwards back into the cycle of stress, feeling negative about ourselves and worrying about absolutely everything, because even though we hate being there, it’s what we’re familiar with. We consistently bring about blockages in our own pathways because we fear having a life of simplicity. A life where we’re happy and content and feel relaxed all the time, with not a care in the world. We want it. But we fear it. And we fear it to such a degree that we shun it every time the guides give us the opportunity to dip our toes into it!
Strange and beautiful creatures who have chosen to walk this life with me, right here, right now, at this very moment, I implore you to become conscious of this aspect of yourself. It’s not just you. It’s all of us. It’s kind of how we’re programmed… to never feel worthy of anything. It’s selfish, it’s being narcissistic, it’s whatever other negative human behavioural aspect you can think of.
Make this day, the day that you choose to change this about yourself. Make this the day that you stand in front of the mirror and recognize yourself for the amazingly powerful and beautiful soul that you are. Gift yourself the right to use the creative energy of the Great I Am for your benefit – to bring about the life that you so dearly want. Gift yourself the right to feel more and more at peace with yourself, with the choices that you’ve made and the life that you have carved out for yourself. Recognise that it’s been mostly good and focus on that. Welcome with open arms, the vibrating and pulsating energy from the universal consciousness that brings you nothing but peace.
Just breathe…