Someone recently asked why I thought a spirit might hang around on the earthly plane. I believe this to be a vitally important question, simply because the attitude and energy we hold while inviting spirit communication sets us up for the experience we will likely have. In other words, an individual’s answer to this question may vary quite dramatically, depending on the attitude and desired outcome they hold when asking the questions in the first place. Let me explain.
Imagine you are on a ‘ghost’ tour. You stand in a building at night. (Why they do ghost tours at night is a question unto itself). It is cold, dark and your heart beats wildly with anticipation. You look around the empty room with an intention of connecting to a spirit you hear is ‘stuck’ here and you begin to conjure all the possible reasons why. What explanations do you choose for that spirit?
Should you anticipate anger, disappointment, frustration, aggression or deep depression, of all the entities who spend time in this location, my experience says the ones who step forward for you will tend to honour the vibe you invite. Likewise, if you open your heart with love, anticipating joyful souls to share their story––the universe will see your joy and meet you at the vibration you embrace.
But why do they hang around at all? What are they doing here? Why have they not, ‘moved on ahead’ as the saying goes? Here are a few explanations gleaned from spirits I have met over the years.
A young man in spirit appeared to me recently in a park near my home. I asked him why he chose to be there: was he ‘stuck’? The spirit cocked his head and looked at me, then suggested our (collective) understanding of a spirit’s ability to come and go at will, could use a little tweaking. He explained a spirit can come back to a location on earth at any given time to enjoy beautiful experiences they have had in the past. I met this spirit while walking in a forest which he said was a favourite place of his, in his youth.
Another spirit I am in touch with has spent many years in close proximity to his family and friends, with an intention of helping them appreciate there is life after life, and he’s alive in it. This young man communicates with his mom through me, sharing exquisite details about the lives of those he loves, in order to joyfully let them know he is near. Examples include mention of a tattoo his sister had done of his favourite flower, a reminder of a tie, or a small tin box he made for his father for Father’s Day, congratulations to a friend on her engagement, a cousin on her new car, or heads up that he intends to appear to his mom as a hawk, a face in the clouds, or a light in her window.
The spirit of an elderly woman stepped forward last summer in her desire to be witnessed in the great love she holds for her husband. He passed 50 years before her and she didn’t remarry. Spending time in a house they both lived in, here in Victoria, B.C., Canada, was a cherished time in her life. Moving around at that location seems to help hold her in joy. She looks out the window and tinkles on a piano no longer there as a way to honour their loving relationship.
In addition, having my attention provided her the opportunity to share a message to the world about being mindful of not getting caught up in the rat race with the intention of ‘moving ahead’, when, in retrospect, spending time with the one you love can be precious beyond all else. Sticking around on the earthly plane to offer guidance, support, love, even requests for reconciliation are all valid reasons for a spirit to appear to those open for communication.
I have encountered those who have been in a place of not realizing they had passed and found them appreciative of support to move across the veil. There was nothing sinister in their choice to remain on the earthly plain, they simply didn’t comprehend there was choice. Once awakened to the possibility they were glad of it and stepped into the light into the open arms of those waiting for them there.
The concept of stepping across the veil has expanded for me, over the years, to accept doing so does not mean a spirit ‘leaves’ per se, only that they have the opportunity to let go of a desire to remain in the physical with those they left behind, in order to remain with them in spirit, should they choose, with equal presence from their new perspective.
The spirits I refer to above have passed in a multitude of ways and yet the reason for their passing seems to have little to do with their choice to reappear from time to time, down here where we mortals reside. I would love to help people move away from assuming a spirit will only remain if they feel disgruntled about losing their lives or have passed over in some sort of unfortunate way.
Does this mean I have never encountered an entity sharing less than gleeful vibes? Not at all. However, because I choose to hold space for the highest good of all in my interactions with the spirit world, I greet the seemingly unhappy spirit with curiosity and an intention to understand the purpose of their choice to share energy that may at first appear uncomfortable. What I have discovered is, with acknowledgement and setting clear boundaries, a spirit will help me understand their reasons for sharing what they do, in a way to resolve and let go of pain (as one example) on a universal level. There is healing for humanity possible, if one will listen with love.
I know myself blessed to witness a multitude of spirits who make themselves busy on the earthly plane in order to support, love and guide those they love. I hope sharing my experiences helps to expand your understanding of possible reasons a spirit may hang around, while offering insight into questions you may have on this topic.
Thank you for listening.
With love,
Catherine ~
© Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wing
Catherine’s work as a conduit for spirits through Mediumship is deeply spiritual in nature. When you ‘Ask Spirit’ questions from your heart, Catherine will channel inspirational messages from the spirit realm via automatic writing to address your inquiry. Animal spirit medicine, as well as descriptions of love, light, colour and energy underline her desire to work, always, toward the Highest Good of All.
Catherine shares her work with Spirit via social media, and has received praise from around the world. Join Catherine at,, and for Spirit channeled inspiration, soulful stories, animal spirit medicine and more!
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