Whether or not we admit it, we are all driven by fear. Fear comes in many forms. We fear rejection. We fear not being understood. We fear not being loved. We fear being judged. We fear so many things, and through these various fears, we present ourselves to the world in so many different ways that we sometimes we forget who we are.
One of our greatest fears is change. As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We do not like to change anything in our lives, primarily because it forces us to put effort into our lives. It’s so much easier when things just go along as they are. We love things to be predictable! And strangely, we accept our lives as they are, very rarely requiring more of ourselves, or expecting that we should be happier, wealthier, healthier. When we are treated badly, somehow we find a way to explain it away. And of course, I’m generalizing and throwing us all into one category and so I do apologise to those who don’t fit into this mould of who we are.
Change is good! When we find ourselves with our backs against the wall, with no option but to change who we are, or to change our environment, our relationships, our outlook on life, whatever the pressing issue is, we realise when we come out on the other side, that the change has been good. Take for example me being sick in 2017. My life partner had just passed away the previous December and so 2017 didn’t start out to be a good year. I moved from my home in 2014, and then again in 2016 and again in 2017. Dealing with being sick, living in a new area and not being given much opportunity to become familiar with that area because of having to spend 4 months in hospital, when I look back was just crazy! However, coming home from hospital and moving home again, I realise now that the changes that happened have been such a gift. And I suppose it does depend on how you see things, are you someone who remains positive through every journey that you take in your life, no matter how difficult that journey may be. Or, are you someone who just finds it so difficult to see the positive outcome of anything?
What we are currently experiencing with the lock down is new to everyone. The comforting fact is that everyone around the world is going through the exact same thing, on varying levels. Some more fortunate than others. And these changes that we’re going through are amazing! They may not feel like it right now, but they are.
These changes are forcing us all to take a deep and meaningful inward look at ourselves. Of course there are those who don’t see this and will continue with their lives as they are. But what we need to remember is that we all chose to be here at this time, to learn what we can from what we are experiencing. And if you don’t take this opportunity to use these changes to improve yourself from a human and spiritual perspective, then you have done yourself a disservice.
How exciting to be part of change that is happening on a global scale! To be learning from other people around the world, how they see challenges and how they deal with it. To have technology to keep us connected and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills, creativity, innovation, thought leadership. And there’s no reason why you and I have to sit on the sidelines and watch this happening. Great change happens when everyone does a little something to contribute to it. So start with yourself. Use this time that you have wisely. Ask yourself those very difficult questions. Are you happy with your life? Have you been happy with your life? What is it that you can do to change your life in a way that brings you out into the new world, a better person, and in a better situation than you currently are? There is absolutely no reason why any of us should be waiting away the hours and watching them tick by. Watching TV all day is great, but for how long? It’s important for us to remain productive and creating the changes that we want to see in our lives now, is the perfect time to start.
We may not have all the tools available to us that we need because we are in lock down and that’s okay. Most of us at least have access to a computer. Set aside time every day to start planning your life. Start with jotting down simple one liners, or just one word, of what you want to change. Then as you go along, take a topic and drill down into it. See what it is about that one thing that you want to change and figure out how you can do it. If you come unstuck, use Google to find out more. There is plenty information out there, you just need to tap into it.
And of course, I will always recommend that you connect with your guides. You don’t have to know who your guide is or even how to do it. I know that sounds confusing. But, when you sit with pen and paper in hand, or at your keyboard, set your intent to connect to your guide or the universal consciousness, and allow yourself to be guided by the thoughts that come to mind. And you will be pleasantly surprised to see just how easy it is to get inspiration and then channel that inspiration into what it is that you’re wanting to achieve.
Lastly, if you find that you can’t find a starting point, please never hesitate to send me an email. I will always help where I can. I can also be contacted through a phone call or a whatsapp message. For ease of reference my email is glynis@spiritconnection.co.za and my phone number is 082 570 6473