Have you ever wondered who your guides are or do you have a feeling that you know your guide, but not really. Sometimes being introduced to your guide is exactly what you need to facilitate your con...
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Become aware of the changes that are occurring in nature: feel the drop in temperature and the increased dryness of the air; notice the changing morning light and colours of the leaves drying on the t...
Read MoreWhat a privilege to have someone who loves us unconditionally, never chastises, never judges and always has our best interests at heart. This is your guide, why not connect with them, bounce ideas off...
Read MoreWe tend to spend most of our time in the grip of our thoughts – at times jumping around here, there and everywhere – the typical distracted “monkey-mind” – and at other times spinning out about someth...
Read MoreIf you were to take an in-depth look at your life, from an outer perspective looking in, what would you see? Are you absolutely content with your life and does that content spill out into everything t...
Read MoreInitiations are also used to mark the ascent of individuals into positions of religious authority. Priests, diviners, and spirit mediums play special roles in religious life. The precise kinds of auth...
Read MoreEnthusiasm is the order of the day. Note - there is a fine line on the fulcrum point at which the scales tip and it becomes overly effusive or radical fanatacism. The archetype of the sergeant-major o...
Read MoreYes, we are almost two full months into the year. Each year passes quicker than the previous and we feel time is speeding up. The fact is, there are still 24 hours in a day. So, time isn’t speeding up
Read MoreAwareness of our body and its wisdom is an empowering ability that we are all born with. However, as we grow into adulthood, we tend to lose connection with its messages. This innate ability becomes...
Read MoreFeel, then you can deal with it and heal! We're getting an unequal shot at it this month as we're exposed to the watery energy of feeling, particularly during this water year. It's a double whammy or ...
Read MoreJust the other day we couldn’t believe that we were going into 2017 and now it’s over! Where has the time gone? What has happened to the year? This is a question I hear everyone asking. We know about ...
Read MoreIt would be wise for us to remember that when we think a new thought, entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal, we are invoking the creative energy that resides within each one o...
Read MoreEvery day we see inspirational quotes being posted on the internet and sent from one person to the next - people sharing messages that they hope will make their fellow human beings see the world diffe...
Read MoreWhat is Spiritualism? I have worked as a Psychic Medium for many years and my background and training is in Spiritualism and everything that I do has it’s roots and grounding in the philosophy of S...
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