Once you’ve decided where you will meditate, keep to the same place every time. Sit in a straightbacked chair with your feet flat on the floor. You could also sit on the floor if that is more comf...
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Imagine one day waking up and finding out that the foundation of your own very faith, since you were a toddler, is suddenly turned upside down…that someone or circumstance suddenly pulled out the rug ...
Read MoreWhen we became guardians of this piece of property, we named it Dharmagiri. Dharmagiri is a Sanskrit word. Giri means mountain and Dharma signifies the totality of the cosmos, including mind and mat...
Read MoreIf you were to take an in-depth look at your life, from an outer perspective looking in, what would you see? Are you absolutely content with your life and does that content spill out into everything t...
Read MoreWhen asked what it is that defines you, what is your answer? Is your first response to convey information about what you do for a living, whether or not you are a parent, how many children you have, w...
Read MoreLetting go is probably the most difficult thing that anyone can be asked to do. Many of us claim to be control freaks, but in essence we all are. It's just the level of 'need' to control that varies. ...
Read MoreJust recently I attended a talk that was advertised as an opportunity for us to get special insight into 2017 and what the year ahead is going to hold. At least, that is what I thought it would be! ...
Read MoreI’m going to take the liberty here of quoting verbatim from www.livescience.com : “The technical term for missing links is transitional morphologies, or forms, and is used by paleontologists to descri
Read MoreThis evening as dusk was settling and the remnants of a glorious burgundy sunset lingered in the clouds, I set off up the mountain with Jack. He hadn’t done any walking today, and though he still fav...
Read More“Since I was a child at school I experienced life as over-organized and machine-like – a kind of treadmill that just kept going with machine-like regularity leaving little room for just being. I expe...
Read MoreThere is no mistaking why we are all living out our individual personal spiritual path at this time. How much devotion and effort we put into our spiritual path is our concern and should not be taken ...
Read MoreOne question that we hear so often is “Am I on the correct path?” When you think about it and understand that everything is exactly as it should be, then surely the answer should be as clear as day. O...
Read MoreAs I sit here writing my last newsletter for 2016, I’m reminded of what a roller-coaster ride year this has been. Many highs and a few lows have brought me to the space that I’m in right now. It’s bee...
Read MoreBy following and applying our own truth to our own well-being, we are slowly transforming our physical consciousness into metaphysical consciousness. Knowing the truth never set anyone free - experien...
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