It feels as if everyone that I know or meet is struggling with the changes that are happening around us. It is so easy to get caught up in the impenetrability of negative sensations and we find oursel...
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Trying to force the mind to quieten creates stress and resistance, but feeling and consciously seeing what passes through it in a mindful state, will clear and quieten it! There are so many teachin...
Read MoreI have an inspirational story to tell, it is my wish to pass my experience forward to all seekers, for all to benefit. I belong to a school of ancient wisdom. I have been a student for twenty four
Read MoreFirst of all, Kids Yoga is not something that is new, in fact, it’s been around for thousands of years, OK, we may not have been in a classroom with multi coloured yoga mats and cool music playing but...
Read MoreIt is with a great sense of sadness that I feel the need to write this article. Firstly, I would like to thank the people who were involved in these situations from the bottom of my heart; for bringin...
Read MoreDivorce, illness, abuse…these very real and prolific experiences can leave one hollow, angry, depressed, anxious, uncertain, lost, to name a few. More and more people experience a trauma/life changi...
Read MoreI’m sure we all have a favourite passage from the Bible, whether we’re religious or not. Mine is most definitely Ecclesiastes 3 and here is the King James Version: “To every thing there is a season...
Read MoreThis is an excerpt from my book Meandering Musings. Even though these thoughts came to me as a result of the passing of my father, I know that there are others who will resonate with them too. Last
Read MoreOur beautiful friend Chris Tokalen wrote this amazing article for Spirit Connection. We've kept it published in his honour - the world truly lost an angel when Chris was called home. Mystics and m...
Read MoreAny good dietician is likely to tell you: “You are what you eat.” Any good life coach will appreciate that the quality of the fuel you feed your body can have an important – perhaps even dramatic – be
Read MoreJustine Atkinson has been doing private readings for those who seek her help for many years. Over the years she has explored many different forms of private readings. In this article, she gives a brie
Read MoreIf we look at altitudes of consciousness across some of the major developmental lines in the world today, we will see that they are all making use of a 3 Tier System of consciousness, with various lev...
Read MoreTranslated simply as ‘knowledge of life’, Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic philosophy that teaches us how to live a healthy, vibrant and fulfilling life by balancing our body, mind and spirit. ...
Read MoreYoga in its finality is about the control of the mind. It is the practice of disciplining the mind, body and spirit to optimum capacity. It is the practice of mindfulness, compassion, grace and love t...
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