You are truly the only person responsible for the way in which you are received in the big wide world. For this reason, it is so important that you check your attitude at the door. When you step into a room, you are absolutely responsible for the energy that you bring with you into that room. And of course, the energy that you bring will determine how you are received.
I know someone, very dear to me, who has the ability to never show anyone how he is feeling. What I mean by that is this : if he is dissatisfied with someone or unhappy for any particular reason, and you are not the person causing him bother, he will never let you know that he is unhappy or dissatisfied through the way that he engages with you. That’s a truly amazing trait to have. Because for most of us, if we’re irritated or unhappy, we find it really difficult to not bring that energy across into every interaction that we have with people.
What happens then is that you pass your negative energy onto someone who is essentially in no way responsible for how you feel and many relationships have been damaged because of this. How often do we take our bad moods out on our driving, swearing and cursing the other drivers around us – driving way too fast and in fact sometimes, downright recklessly. All because we’re in a bad mood. The whole world has to see that we’re not happy! For some unknown reason, it’s important that others see you’re not happy and just get out of your way, or woe betide them!! I’m thinking here, and my guide is saying to me, what an egotistical sense of entitlement – to act this way.
How we show up in the world is completely on us and how we show up in the world is, without question, how we are going to be received. That is really something to think about and we should all be practicing being absolutely 100% self-aware. Aware of ourselves, our behaviours and how our behaviours affect others, which in turn, affects us.
Learn to regulate your emotions. Learn how to keep your emotions in check. When you’re feeling disgruntled, find a way to deal with the situation that does not require you being out of control of your emotions. You know that you’re not going to achieve anything through being over-emotional anyway, so why do you do it?
Learn to check your attitude at the door. I wrote a very insightful article on self-awareness if you didn’t get to read it, you can read it here – in fact there are two articles that I highly recommend and they Gratitude Brings Self Awareness and Perception and Awareness. Please do take the time to go read them, it will really be worth your while.
Our attitudes have a deep and profound affect on us and on the people around us. A positive attitude will keep you moving through the day in a way that you experience the best of what life has to offer. A negative attitude will bring you the exact opposite! And why would you want to be living in a world where every interaction that you have is negative. It’s downright draining and so counter-productive, because all it does is make you want to run away and hide from people. And guess what, you need people in your life!
It is because of people that you continue to evolve and grow both as a person and as a spiritual being. It is important that you have people around you, at varying degrees throughout your life, because you learn from your interactions with them and your experiences with them. And in turn, they learn from yours. And if you are going to have a negative attitude and you don’t check your emotions and attitude before you enter a room, you’re setting yourself up to fail miserably. You fail miserably at doing your own life! You don’t want that, surely you don’t!