This is a talk that I did in April 2007 – everything still applies, so enjoy!
How many of us are aware of our thoughts every moment of every day? I can honestly say that I certainly am not. I know that there are times when my thoughts just ramble on. I know too that there are times when I think and say the most terrible things and then wish that I hadn’t.
What I’m here to talk to you about today is the power of your thoughts, actions and words and how you can harness this power to make your life everything that you wish it to be.
Everything is energy – from our bodies right down to our very thoughts. The entire universe is made up of energy, very powerful creative energy and is there for us to use. We all talk about the power of positive thinking and we admire greatly those people who are able to bring things into their lives that make them happy, such as the perfect partner, money, health, great jobs etc. A lot of us must wonder how it is they get this right.
We are all, as we sit here right now, the sum total of every thought that we have ever had and every action that we have ever taken in our lives. Everything that we have ever thought about has gone out into the ethers, or into the universe, the energy has been converted and has been sent back to us, in a material form. This is why we have to try at all times to be aware of our thoughts and to be aware of the things that we say. Because the laws of the universe are very thorough.
The entire universe is governed by the law of cause and effect ie for every action there is a re-action. We have all heard, what you sow, so shall you reap, taught to us by our parents and teachers since we were little. Most of us know that the main emphasis given to this teaching is to treat others as you would want them to treat you. And whilst this is a very wise thing to do, we have to consider that it definitely goes much deeper than that. We have to consider that what you sow in the form of your thoughts and actions, you will also reap.
It is so much easier to focus on the negative aspects of our lives. We are in a job that we just hate, we have little to no income for anything except to cover our overdrafts and credit card accounts and we just are not happy with our lives. So, what do we do? We focus on how much we dislike our job and we focus on the fact that we have almost no income sending these thoughts out into the universe and what does the universe do? It sends right back to you, your job that you hate and little to no income.
We find couples who are unhappy with each other. There are those little annoying things about your partner that you just don’t like. What do you do? You continue to focus your thoughts and energies on those things that annoy you about them – these thoughts and energies are sent out into the universe, converted into the material and are sent back to you and the result is, you still have the annoying things about your partner invading your space. What you should be doing, is concentrating on the things that you like about them, the things that you are grateful for for having them in your space, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find that these are the things that you will get from them.
What we have to do is learn to turn our energies around. Take the example of two people who are ill. They have both been ill for a very long time with very similar problems. The one will continuously tell you about how ill he is and how bad he feels all the time. This person through his continuous focusing on his illness will undoubtedly have been stripped of a normal life and will probably spend the rest of his life, trying to get better unless he begins to change his thought patterns. The other person is the kind of person who doesn’t let the illness get her down. She is always chirpy, laughs at life, sees the brighter side of everything and just takes the illness in her stride. She is grateful for the little things that she has and spends her time telling you this. I’m willing to bet that this person still leads a fairly full life and will make a full recovery.
What I’m trying to say is this – we spend a huge amount of time governed by fear. We fear things like rejection, loss of income, for our health, our relationships breaking up and ending and we spend so much time focusing on the things that we fear that we attract those very things that we fear into our space.
We should look at ourselves as walking magnets and take time to imagine everything that we say, think or do, going out into the universe and being sent drawn back to us through our magnetic power. Knowing this and being aware of this at all times, we can turn our own lives around. We hear of people say that they are very positive – I am very sick, but I’m positive that I’m going to get better. What a contradiction in one sentence! We need to understand that every time we say I am, we bring into play, that almighty creative energy of the creator and we manifest within ourselves that which we say I am. It’s a great idea to write up affirmations and put them up in prominent places around your home, so that you can teach yourself to have a shift in the way that you think.
I have an affirmation that I have in my purse and on my desk at work and I say it to myself every day and it is this – I live, move and have my being and all outer expression, in the full opulence of God, made manifest every moment. I am perfect. I am whole. I am divine. And this just helps me to keep my thoughts on track and to know that I am very much, a part of the great I Am, the source of all creative energy within the universe. I have the power to create anything in my life and that means that I have the power to bring positive things into my life and I have the power to bring negative things into my life.
In learning to have a shift in the way in which we think, it’s a good idea to sit down and write down all those things that you want in your life. Picture yourself living in that house that you always dream of, picture yourself living with lots of money in the bank, picture yourself as living in a pure whole body with no physical problems and make a conscious decision to work towards bringing those things into your life. Stop focusing on the things that you don’t want in your life, because you will continue to bring those things into your life if you do. And learn to focus on the things that you do want in your life and know that you will bring those things into your life because that is how the universe works. Don’t ever think of yourself as not being worthy of having an abundant life because this spiritual experience is meant to be abundant. We are meant to all be happy and we are meant to all have every single thing that our hearts desire. It is only because we set limitations for ourselves that we set ourselves up for failure. If you want to earn R1 million a year you must believe that you are capable, you must know that the only thing stopping you is your own faith in yourself and if you can get past that fear, believe me you will earn R1 million a year.
Picture at all times, in your minds eye, those things that you want. If you find yourself thinking about the things that you don’t want, correct your thoughts immediately and sitting down quietly collect from the universe those negative thoughts that you have just had, place them in a box or a bag in your minds eye, and send them down into the very centre of the earth. These negative thoughts will be absorbed by the earth and will be converted into positive energy and sent back out again into the ethers as pure energy ready to be used again.
So I say thank you to you for listening to me rambling on – I pray that at least something that I have had shared with you has made sense to at least one of you. If you take anything away with you today, let it be this – the things that you say and the things that you do and the things that you think, have immense power. The universal creative energy is there to be used at our beck and call – it asks for nothing in return. Make a conscious decision today to shift your thought processes and to shift the way in which you perceive yourself within this beautiful universe because you are divine beings, and you hold the power to change your life within your hands.
#energy #creativeenergy #universe