When you leave your body it’s like taking off a tight pair of shoes. (The Dalai Lama)
Life and death are separated by density – that is all. (Frances Banks)
Many are experiencing deep sorrow and loss at this time due to large numbers choosing to leave the planet by various means, including suicide, but there is much confusion and illusion around the topic of death. It is time for us to understand it is a natural process and simply a transition from one soul state to another, a change in our physical condition. As the Queen of Greece, now long gone, once said “It is like entering another room”. Even science is proving that now. We fear it only because we do not understand it, so let’s put some light around this natural, inevitable happening. Realise you have undergone this transition 100s of times before!
There are different experiences for different levels of consciousness. For the majority there is much fear and trepidation around the process of dying. Can you imagine carrying the belief that you will go into the darkness of hell to pay for your sins? This cannot be a pleasant experience, filled with fear, loss, confusion and loneliness. Remember our thoughts create our reality and it is no different in death. There is always help for these beloved souls. There are light beings who are trained to work with them, assuring them they are not alone, and they have choice as to where they want to go and how they will advance. When they are ready they will go to the Light as described in many NDE experiences. The Light is always there for them the moment they choose it. There are also beings, angelic and human, who are trained to work in very dark lower dimensions.
In the book Testimony of Light, Frances Banks, a teacher and nun who passed over but remained in psychic contact with her friend, the author, Helen Greaves, describes how she yearned for a little cottage and garden. She had those on the other side. Whereas she was growing the flowers through projecting love onto them, the gardener was still feeding the plants with buckets of compost! Similarly, our healing when we arrive on the other side will either be undertaken in hospitals and clinics or in light and sound chambers. Our awareness will determine our experience.
There is no pressure to review one’s past life. Some take a long time before they can face it, dreading looking at mistakes and failures. The record is extracted from the Akashic Library and your whole life unfolds before you on a screen, showing successes, failures and how you played your part. You are the judge, only you. According to the accounts in Testimony of Light there can be several viewings. (I highly recommend this book if it is still available. Published 1969)
If you are a Light Worker or a Starseed, whether you are conscious of it or not, the experience of passing is different. It is a huge release! Suddenly, no more aches and pains in the body, no more struggling with the errant mind. The best is the welcoming committee, the Ascended Beings you have been working with on earth. I am not sure if you will need tissues! There will be lots of tears at the release of the burdensome state of being human, after which comes the acceptance and maybe some regret and remorse. Why didn’t I do life differently?
For Light Workers at some point there is a flash of recognition, a knowing that all is in harmony and in oneness. This is the experience of the Self. All life experiences come into understanding, not just this life time but all life times. It is as if the pull of gravity that keeps our view limited, is released. Everything changes and expands, we are free. There is a deep experiential insight: there is no death, no finality as we integrate back fully back into the eternal soul.
Even the dark aspects of past lives which we may have held on to because of guilt or shame, start to change. Everything in the words of Adamus “returns to the wisdom of the soul”. No more torment or doubt, simply release.
After the initial celebratory welcome, our family and loved ones are there for us. More tears! (I feel my eyes prickling – I can’t wait!) And then we find our way around and do exactly what we wish: truly in the flow of ease and grace, and serving in whatever way suits us, for that is the joy of the soul.
This is evidenced in the characteristics of children who arrive directly from these spheres expressing joy, freedom, awe, spontaneity, playfulness, trust, innocence, creativity.
Understanding this natural process gives us acceptance of our soul’s journey and empowers us to view this transition in a way which allows us to live with more freedom, embodying and expressing greater love and connection with the world around us. Perhaps it will even give you a sense of awe for the preciousness of life!
For a few moments every day feel that you are not your body. Feel yourself not being tied to your body systems, bones and muscles. Feel the Lightness of Who You Are. Let your body become just an envelope without meaning to you. Feel the lightness when you are not drawn into your body, feel free from the heaviness of physicality. This process will change your perspective of being on earth. (Channelled through Hannelore Bouman. With thanks.)
THE RAINBOW BRIDGE This can be very helpful to a person who seems to be reluctant, for any reason, to move on. You work with them taking them to the bridge and showing them what is on the other side. Be sure the timing is right for this! If you are interested please e-mail me and I will end you the process as it is too long to include here. E-mail address below.
Wishing for you to embrace the idea of a beautiful transition.
Loving blessings,
Natalia Baker