I speak to my spirit guides every night before I go to bed. It’s a daily ritual we have. During this time I give them thanks for their assistance through my day and we chat about what I’ve achieved that day. We chat about my clients, how I’ve helped them and what I should be doing to continue to help them in their lives. They give me advice on how to effectively market my business and they give me great insight into each session that I have had with my clients. We go through each session. What was discussed, what I could have done differently and what I can do to improve their interaction with me and essentially improve their (my clients) life.
Last night I was pondering how evident it is to me that we communicate within our relationships, at cross-purposes, I would say around 90% of the time. It seems to me that we all have our own agenda and even within the most intimate relationships, there doesn’t seem to be a smooth coalescence of thought, planning, values. It feels like not much is actually shared. And then of course, we wonder why land up on the doorstep of professionals to help us understand our relationships!
So this was the conversation last night and I found it so interesting that my guides shared with me, that we as human beings, are actually very self-absorbed. That felt a little accusatory and judgmental to me, but on reflection, I do believe that they are right. What I find most interesting here is that we all say that we worry about what others think of us, but do we actually? If we are so self-absorbed that we are focused inward on ourselves for almost all our waking hours, then what does it matter what others think? I often say that what others think of you is their business and I do believe it’s true.
The point I’m making here is as an example – for most of my adult life, I wouldn’t be caught dead leaving my home without make up on my face and my hair properly done. I would have died if anyone saw me with no make up on. But and this is the big but…. what did it matter. From my discussions with my guides, I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that those people who saw me without my make-up on, didn’t give it a second thought. In fact, I would be willing to bet everything I had, that they didn’t even see me and if for any reason they had noticed me, they wouldn’t be able to tell someone ½ hour later, what colour blouse I had been wearing! Just think about that!
I have clients who so badly want to work in service to others. They so badly want to share with their families, their deepest beliefs and let them know how much they enjoy being a spiritual person. They may work with crystals, or tarot cards or do healing. But, they don’t want to discuss what they do with anyone that they know, ie family members, because they’re worried that they will be seen as being crazy, they will be seen as being strange and different. And heaven help us if we were just a little different and didn’t ‘fit in’! What would we do then?!
Yet, if you think about it and I mean really give it some thought. These people whose opinions you are giving so much weight to, actually aren’t even thinking about you, one way or the other. These conversations go on inside of us and we make up stuff that isn’t there. And in so doing, we deny ourselves the opportunity to just be ourselves.
My advice to all my students and my clients, is to do what they want to do and not worry about what others may say or what others may think. If they feel that the way that they want to work with people, is what they’re being guided to and that their clients will benefit from it or their loved ones will benefit from what they’ve been guided to do – then they must go ahead and do it. Especially in the world of esoteric work.
There is no set way to work in service to others. There is nowhere that says that if you don’t do energy healing in a certain way, you won’t be bringing through healing. There’s no set way that says this is how you do a reading and if you don’t do it that way, then you’re not actually doing a reading. We all have to work it out for ourselves and be guided by our spirit guides and our higher selves. Because essentially, it is only we who on a soul level, know the reason we’re here. So do others actually care – I don’t think so!