There’s a reason we are all here on the earth right now. That reason is to live our lives. To live our lives as close as we possibly can, in alignment with the life we chose this time around. It sounds so very simple. But of course it isn’t!
Actually what we’re all doing, is stumbling through our lives, hanging on by a thread. We’re all hoping that what we’re doing is living in alignment with what we chose to live. And for the most part, most of us are probably not doing as good a job as we hoped we would be when we first set out to experience this life. Little did we know, as that perfect soul in the spirit world, just how difficult it would be. Just how difficult it would be to get everything right all the time. But of course, we’re not supposed to be!
We’re meant to be making mistakes. We’re not meant to be sailing through without a cloud in the sky or a storm in our sea. We’re meant to be facing challenges and figuring out how to overcome them. We’re meant to be floundering our way through the maize of complex relationships. Those relationships that make us question ourselves at every turn. It’s all part of the plan – did you not know this?! Why is it part of the plan I hear you ask? Why does working through the plan have to feel like you’re climbing a never-ending mountain. Every time you get to the top, it just keeps going!
If our lives did not include all the challenges that we face and not feel like we’re working really hard to get through it, we would not need to be here. It really is as simple and as complex as that.
So….. knowing all this. Knowing that there is not one single person on this earth who isn’t facing similar problems and similar challenges to you. There is not one single person who has it all together. Why do you let yesterday take up so much of today?
By that I mean – why do you spend so much time looking back at the mistakes that you’ve made. Looking back at the bad choices and all the difficulties that you’ve already come through. And probably even more important to ask yourself, is why are you so hard on yourself, because you made bad choices, because you tried and failed. You gave it your best and your best wasn’t good enough. Spending too much of today on yesterday does not benefit you and your spiritual growth. Unless…. Unless you are able to see that what happened yesterday is all part of the journey. It’s all part of the lessons that you chose to come learn. And that there is so much that you can take from yesterday and turn into a positive experience for yourself for today. That you can take what you did yesterday as a teaching moment for yourself and not do today, what you did yesterday, if you’re looking for and expecting a different outcome.
Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down in what has past – essentially there is nothing that you can do to change what happened. But…. you are able to change what you do today. And when you look back at yesterday and understand what it is about those choices and decisions etc that you made, that you don’t want to experience again – then you can work today towards a future that excludes those choices and decisions, those behaviours and thought-processes, so that your future is less stressful. Is less difficult to wade through. And so that so your life slowly begins to evolve into what you hoped it would be on the day your soul first set out.