Southern Drakensberg
Teachers : Kittisaro & Thanissara
The retreat will emphasise Theravada teachings and practices, especially those of the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah, alongside the teachings of Master Hsuan Hua from the Chinese Mahayana Tradition. The practice will focus on cultivating embodied samadhi – calming and unifying the mind/heart/body energies, wisdom practices – vipassana – and an exploration of the relationship between calm and insight as foundations for realization of the deathless Dharma. The retreat is held in silence, and includes meditation instruction, Dharma talks, Qi Gong, a devotional and ceremonial practice. Each participant will have meet with Kittisaro and Thanissara teacher for individual guidance.
Attendance at the retreat requires previous experience of long silent retreats (minimum 10 days) with either Kittisaro and Thanissara, or Insight teachers and a core familiarity with Thervada / Insight teachings and practices.
Costs: Contact Penny Jane on: 082 473 5525 or office@dharmagiri.org
All retreats start 5.30 pm. Weekend retreats end with lunch on the last day, longer retreats end after breakfast on the last day.