For a split second (one whole month!
) I forgot that in January this year, I set my intention for a year of nourishment in 2019. My point of view is: if something happens once, take note, if it happens twice, bring an awareness to what is going on around you and if it happens three times, it requires urgent attention: a lesson or a healing lies here-in…something for you to look at to remember who you truly are. March was this for me. It was for me to remember that in September last year I chose to allow my Inner Warrior to come forward as I released my Inner Struggler. March was also a time for me to remember that my word for 2019 is “Nourish” and that nourishment is what I am playing with this year.
With an understanding that Chiron has also shifted astrological signs (read: ), that Solar Flares hit earth around 14th March, Mercury has been retrograde (look at communication and what you have left unresolved) – yes lots going on! I came to understand that I have to face these issues (no more hiding away!) and be who I truly am. Chiron was in exactly the same place in my chart in 2011 and these same issues were coming up then. In 2011, I received the message that “you are not put on this earth to keep your head down: you are put here to stand up straight, hold your head up and be who you are!” The lesson for me is my reaction to outside forces imposing their will on me with injustice.
Maybe you can relate to this: are you experiencing wounded child issues right now? Look back at 2011 and see what was going on for you then…what lessons did you learn that you can easily and gracefully apply now?
Remembering that my word is “Nourish” and using self-awareness, the I Am (Supporting Inner Warrior), I Feel (bringing courage to Inner Child), I Do (be motivated to Act!) and I Speak (express truth and creation) oils morning and night, I allowed that Wounded Warrior, that Inner Struggler, that Wounded Inner Child to safely surface and show me the way so that we could change this current situation, using my Inner Warrior to protect my Inner Child and giving her a space to heal. Interestingly, what came up for me was without pain and without judgement. It was more a sense of: O yes, I remember this; Gosh is this how I need to deal with that? And a feeling of opening myself up to guidance and being receptive to a way forward.
In the midst of a chakra healing meditation, I became aware of a deep and wide wound in my heart chakra space. Continuing to use the green energy to come in and cleanse all else from my heart chakra, it was then that I remembered that I am in a year of nourishment: nourishment of myself, my environment, my relationships, using the food I eat and the money I earn. Wow! Once remembering this, I allowed myself to just relax back and open myself to receive nourishment…I was fully aware of this conscious action bringing peace into my heart. Once my heart was calmer, I then started to bathe the chaotic situations and discord with this same nourishment…forming a circle of nourishing flowing in and out of my heart. The change in my body in that moment was significant and I was given instruction on how to manage the situations and the people.
The lessons learned from harvesting nourishment are these:
- When people are feeling disempowered, they go to many lengths to take your power to feed their lack. They can do this in a variety of ways; attempting to impose their will on you, humiliating you, shaming you, belittling you, being underhanded, to name a few. How you react to this feeling of being attacked may be the exact issue that needs an awareness and looking into. Once you understand why this is showing up, your response can be one of defence or self-love. The feeling by which you react determines the outcome of the interaction.
- When you are feeling under attack, having an awareness of this and then becoming aware of the underlying “wound”, you can take your power back with grace and ease. So, it is the feeling that you use when working out this wound.
- I now have a very clear sense of how, when I am nourished, I have a sense of Expansion and when being in a space (or with people) that depletes me in some form or another, my body contracts and I am constantly physically hungry – definitely had the munchies!!
- In the meditation, I received a real sense on inviting harmony and co-operation into all relationships as this is part of nourishment.
- And Gratitude flowed through my body for the discord showing up so that I can now move forward being more of who I truly am.
Using the I Love (self-love, acceptance) and the Mary Magdalene oils, it is with deep gratitude that I thank those chaotic situations and disagreeable people who have been part of this process. Thank you for showing up, thank you for being who you are in order for me to acknowledge those wounded parts of me so that I can heal them and again start creating with a more authentic me, with a Me that is less wounded so I can live with more grace and peace. Thank you for showing up with your shenanigans so that I can remember that I can choose who I am when reacting to and in the world.
Thank you for reminding me that I am loveable, I am wonderful and I am successful: I can choose to buy into your story of me, or I can choose my own truth. I choose Me!
Thank you, thank you.
Blessings Be.
Michele Mollentz
Throughout my journey, the body has fascinated me: be it on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. I have been curious as to why it behaves the way it does on all those levels and whether, if at all, they are all connected. And I came up with a resounding “Yes!” Using all the Body knowledge I studied, and learned and pieced together, through a multitude of teachers and modalities, enables me to understand how the body works, how it is in continuous conversation with you – if you’ll just pause and listen.
All Key Academy emerged to create a safe, secure and protected environment in which to learn, empower and transform. This is where you can learn a variety of methods to communicate with your body, through modalities such as, Chakra Balancing Massage, Mindfulness Meditation, Multi-Dimensional Meditation, Business, Life and Self-development coaching (“In The Flow” and “Money Matters” coaching programs), Life Mapping, De-chording and Access Bars.
My point of view is that your Self Relationship is the most important relationship for you to know in the support of you in your journey. Once you understand and are aware of your Identity – your auto-responses – you are able to SHIFT them if you want to. All my work as a Transformation Educator is to support you in your understanding of your own Self Relationship as you travel on your journey to emerge into all of you. This is my Soul Purpose. I look forward to sharing this knowledge with you in ways that you feel resonate with you. How can I support you today?