Taken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss The 7th chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow our spirituality to become an integral part of our physical live
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We often lose track of the awe-inspiring fact that we are in a galaxy, on a planet, and are even able to see so many other celestial bodies…because it is a daily phenomenon, we may even take it for gr...
Read MoreGosh, I wish someone had told me this many years ago. I’m very sure that a lot of people, especially who are around my age (retired or near retired), lived in a world where we pretty much just lived
Read MoreIn the serene realms of Buddhist philosophy, there's a timeless story that illustrates the profound importance of alignment in our journey to success. Once upon a time, in the heart of a lush fores
Read MoreIf we can experience being multidimensional consciously, we can, through the realisation of Who We Are, transform lower frequency realities. Being multidimensional has been hard for me to get my he
Read MoreTaken from the Anatomy of Spirit by Caroline Myss The 6th chakra involves our mental and reasoning abilities, and our psychological skill at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes. The mind chakra re
Read MoreI’m sure anyone reading the title to this article would be able to finish it without having to read it but I’m going to give it to you here now anyway! You can’t start the next chapter if you keep
Read MoreWe define ourselves by where we live, what language we speak, our religion, our height, even our eye colour; these are simple choices we make which are often situationally based. But what defines w
Read MoreAs human beings, we are pre-programed to look for danger, to look for what is going to affect us in a negative way. So it stands to reason that we tend to focus much more on all the negative things h
Read MoreI found these random pieces of wisdom on the web and thought I’d elaborate on them in terms of how I feel about what each statement says and represents. Download audio version &nbs
Read MoreMy whole life was about not and never belonging! "Be-long-ing " for something that is not real. The pain and trauma I experienced of "not belonging" all taught me one thing…. I never needed to belo
Read MoreA very interesting concept : whether you think you can or you can’t you’re probably right! I would actually take out the probably and say : You’re Right! It’s so much around what we believe and of...
Read MoreLove contains everything you ever need to know - Kryon There are many references to oneness and unity in spiritual teaching today. For some of us it comes as a faraway possibility, unreachable, per
Read MoreWhen we refer to the Universe, what we’re actually making reference to is the Universal Consciousness. The Universal Consciousness is that all-encompassing space that comprises everything that has
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