Yes, we are almost two full months into the year. Each year passes quicker than the previous and we feel time is speeding up. The fact is, there are still 24 hours in a day. So, time isn’t speeding up
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Awareness of our body and its wisdom is an empowering ability that we are all born with. However, as we grow into adulthood, we tend to lose connection with its messages. This innate ability becomes...
Read MoreFeel, then you can deal with it and heal! We're getting an unequal shot at it this month as we're exposed to the watery energy of feeling, particularly during this water year. It's a double whammy or ...
Read MoreJust the other day we couldn’t believe that we were going into 2017 and now it’s over! Where has the time gone? What has happened to the year? This is a question I hear everyone asking. We know about ...
Read MoreIt would be wise for us to remember that when we think a new thought, entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal, we are invoking the creative energy that resides within each one o...
Read MoreEvery day we see inspirational quotes being posted on the internet and sent from one person to the next - people sharing messages that they hope will make their fellow human beings see the world diffe...
Read MoreWhat is Spiritualism? I have worked as a Psychic Medium for many years and my background and training is in Spiritualism and everything that I do has it’s roots and grounding in the philosophy of S...
Read MoreTrans-Generational And Systemic Family Healing A relatively new holistic counselling approach, Systemic Family Constellations, actually known as Family Constellations and Trans-Generational Healing p
Read MoreIs your child learning to channel her energy in creative and constructive ways, or is she suffering from increasingly common issues such as sensorial dysfunction, ADD/ADHD, learning difficulties, dysp...
Read MoreSuzie Manson, Founder of Yoga4Kids South Africa and children’s yoga teacher trainer, urges us to remember the invaluable role that meditation (or creative visualisation) and breathing exercises play i...
Read MoreCaduceus The traditional symbol of Hermes features 2 snakes coiled around a winged staff. It is often used in medical contexts. However in this form it is confused with the rod of Asclepius due to th
Read MoreThe following piece is an extract from I am publishing it without permission from the author and will gladly take it down should Spirit Co
Read MoreOver the last few months, it seems that a pattern in my messages has started to emerge…that of change, lots of change, happening to me as well as so many people that I know! Whilst change is rather...
Read MoreThere always seems to come a time in one's life where the purposefulness and meaning as to why one is here, alive and participating in our daily activities, is questioned and pondered. It is precisel...
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