Sitting in a group meditation development circle is the best way for you to learn how to connect to your guides, the angels, loved ones who have passed, and the universal consciousness, because : ...
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It’s Mother’s Day soon and as we think about mothers, there are two people who immediately spring to my mind – Mother Mary and Mother Theresa. Mary had four sons as well as Jesus and these are Jame...
Read MoreThis message was channelled by me in 2005 – it comes from one of my beautiful guides who always helps me to write. It is a relevant today as it was in 2005 and I hope that you enjoy reading it. We ...
Read MoreWe can’t change the past. Why? Because the past is gone. That's the truth! We cannot change other people. How others treat us is their path, but we have the power to change how we see others...
Read MoreWho among us ever walked this journey called life and never tasted bitterness? It is a given among the living – the roller coaster way. No one has ever been immune to it; but whether we would like to ...
Read MoreFirst of all, you don’t mend a broken heart. No, it is not a typo; rather, I typed that word correctly. Think. When you break a glass, can you still put it together to what it was before you broke it?...
Read MoreNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) explains how we process the information that we take in from the world around us. NLP is the process which begins with an external event that we experience throug...
Read MoreIn these confusing and heated political times, there has been an increase in hate speech and action. In response, we need to rededicate ourselves and our society to the underlying principles of compas
Read MoreSometimes, we can look at an autistic child and they seem to be in a far off world, very disconnected from the present moment and from this reality. What I have discovered from working with these b...
Read MoreSelf care... deepening in self love Buddha said: “You can search throughout the entire Universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person i
Read MoreThe Hope Project is a registered NPC (2016/137082/08) that assists minority families who have fallen on hard times and/or who live in squatter camps/informal settlements. There are currently over 500 ...
Read MoreOnce you’ve decided where you will meditate, keep to the same place every time. Sit in a straightbacked chair with your feet flat on the floor. You could also sit on the floor if that is more comf...
Read MoreImagine one day waking up and finding out that the foundation of your own very faith, since you were a toddler, is suddenly turned upside down…that someone or circumstance suddenly pulled out the rug ...
Read MoreWhen we became guardians of this piece of property, we named it Dharmagiri. Dharmagiri is a Sanskrit word. Giri means mountain and Dharma signifies the totality of the cosmos, including mind and mat...
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