I found these random pieces of wisdom on the web and thought I’d elaborate on them in terms of how I feel about what each statement says and represents.
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Words are powerful – use them wisely
They say that a smart person knows what to say and a wise person knows whether or not to say it!
Certainly thinking before you say something is the wisest choice you can make. So often we blurt out what we’re thinking without fully realizing the impact of what we said, can make. It’s wise to remember that people may not remember what you said – word for word – but they will remember! And even more importantly, they will remember how what you said made them feel. Think about that. It makes me feel quite sad.
We need to always take into consideration the fact that other people don’t see life from the same frame of reference as we do. They don’t react to situations as we do and so in some instances where something may not offend or hurt us, we don’t know how it could offend and hurt someone else. Everyone has a different reality and a different path that they are navigating. We are all in different states of mental and emotional health. This means that we should really always try to be that wise person and know whether to say something or not.
People come and go, but the right ones will stay
If we understand that we have all come into this lifetime to facilitate some kind of teaching and learning for each other, then it’s easy to understand that people will come and go and the right ones will stay. Some people just have something small to show us or perhaps they need to be in our space for a short while, to learn something from us.
However, those who stay, are the ones to whom we have contracted and who have contracted to us. They are the people who have made a firm and conscious decision to live out their lifetime with you in it. Be grateful for them and their choice, their commitment to you. Look for the good in each one of them and be sure to try to only show them the good in you.
Those people who stay, and who challenge you the most, are the ones that you need to be the most grateful for. The reason I say this, is that those who challenge you the most are your greatest teachers. They are the ones who have committed to coming into your life experience to help you along your spiritual journey. It may not feel like it in the moment, but long term, you know on a soul level that you will benefit from having them around.
You are doing enough, even if it doesn’t feel like it
I think for the most part this statement is true. However, we know too that we are in general lazy and indecisive and live in fear of change. And for that reason, sometimes we aren’t really doing enough and that’s why it feels like it. Just something to think about!
Having said that though, there are times when you really are doing enough. At the time it may not feel like it and that’s what causes us to feel frustrated and defeated. So in these instances, stop and take stock of where you are and be brutally honest with yourself. If you truly can say you are doing enough and it’s just a matter of time, of waiting it out, then you can relax. If not, then best you get yourself back into the game, because nothing it going to change unless you drive it.
Failure is when you don’t try
I would say that this is true. We experience failure when we have failed to try. How easily we give up sometimes – it’s just crazy. Why do we? I think it’s because we don’t believe in ourselves enough to know that we won’t fail. And as soon as we believe that it’s probably not going to turn out the way we want it to, we back off and don’t even give it a go. And then we fail. And then we berate ourselves and we believe that we’re not capable and the cycle just continues to repeat itself.
Random acts of kindness make everyone feel better
Now more than ever, we need to all be focusing on performing random acts of kindness – letting kindness become a part of who you are, so that they don’t need to be just random. Being kind is not difficult – it just takes being non-judgemental. It just takes a little extra effort. It just takes understanding that people are all struggling through their life. It just takes knowing doing something that makes someone else smile, will in turn have a positive effect on your own life – how cool is that?
Live for today, not for tomorrow
I’m not sure that I agree one hundred percent with this statement. It is absolutely vital that we live in the moment, that we are aware of what we doing and saying in our present state. However, tomorrow cannot be ignored. My best advice is that you live your life in your present self, so that your future self benefits from the decisions and choices that you make. Future you matters greatly and if present you doesn’t look after future you, who will?
Never look back, there’s nothing there for you
I think it depends on how you look back. The reason we have memories is to prompt us as to the things that we don’t want to repeat and to remind us of the things that we do. So if you look back with regret and looking back makes you feel bad about yourself, that you’re a complete failure and that you can’t move forward, then that’s not a good thing. But if you look back and see how far you have come, what you have achieved and what you have overcome, then that’s a really good thing. It helps you to take stock of your life. It helps you to understand that you’re not the failure that you think you are. It helps you give credit where credit is due. So whilst the statement may say that there’s nothing in your past that’s there for you, I certainly don’t believe that and neither should you.
Overthinking kills happiness
Again, is this totally true. I think it’s more accurate to say that overthinking destroys your ability to move forward with your life. It creates hurdles and obstacles for yourself that probably didn’t even exist when you first starting out on that particular experience. When we overthink something, we give life to something that doesn’t exist. We create scenarios in our minds and have conversations with ourselves over the same thing, in different perceived states and we keep ourselves in a loop of limbo. So it really is about letting go. It’s about knowing when you’ve thought something through and letting yourself move onto the next thing. It’s about sorting out in your own mind, what it is that is causing you to overthink something – is it fear of moving forward, is it because you don’t believe in yourself, or is it just a way to stall taking the next step in your life, because you fear what that next step will bring?
I’m going to leave this here – I hope that I have given you something to think about today and would love to hear back from you.