Spirit Connection

Let Go and Let God
We’ve all heard the saying, Let Go and Let God – yet how many of us actually do? It’s all a question of faith, real...

Meditation 101
With so many different meditation methodologies, it shouldn’t be difficult for anyone to find one that works for you – a method of slowing down...

Winding 2015 Down
When the world is spinning around us and we feel like we have nowhere to hide, how do we even find the time to find...

A Message from my Guide Oshvaria
I’m being pressed to bring you a message from my guides today and Oshavaria had this to say : We greet you all today in love...

Focus Inward
Over the many years of doing readings for people, I have come to realise that we’re looking for the same thing. Everyone is searching for...

Start Practising Acceptance – Stay True to Traditions
I’m always so interested to see how much we all hang on to stuff. Facebook postings are all about remember only those who stuck by...

Everything you Experience is your Own Personal Reality
Changes in the seasons are becoming more evident as time appears to have sped up and our 24 hour day no longer feels like 24...

The Uphill Climb
The words of a beautiful Beatles song come to mind as I start to write this post and it goes like this “When I find...

Great Words to Live By
“Silence is a great help to the seeker after truth. In the attitude of silence, the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and...

My Faith in Humanity Restored
Just when I was feeling that there aught to be a reset button on the big bang, my faith in humanity has been restored! Through...