Spirit Connection
What are the Akashic Records and How do we Access them?
We have all already lived through a series of lifetimes and during each of these lifetimes, we have accumulated much learning and wisdom. Each time...
How to Meditate with Your Eyes Open
Have you ever thought about meditating with your eyes open? It can be done and for some people, it is much easier to remain focused...
Write your Own Meditation
Have you ever thought about writing your own meditation. One that resonates with you and takes you into your happy place. Who’s to say that...
The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It
Speak to anyone and they will tell you that they’d love to be able to see their future. I have so many clients coming to...
Random Thoughts
I’ve been doing so much thinking this last week – developing a new course will get you doing that! It may be that we’re half-way...
Your Self-Worth is Determined by You
Self-worth! Something most of us struggle with – but what exactly is it? Self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love...
Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much of Today
There’s a reason we are all here on the earth right now. That reason is to live our lives. To live our lives as close...
Deep Presencing- Wow Experiment
Taken from the book “The Mystery Experience” by Tim Freke You and I are centres of consciousness arising within the unconscious field of awareness. In...