Spirit Connection
Start Finding You
Pain and trauma is a fact of life. We have all experienced pain and trauma at some point in our life. Somehow, the memories of...
Homeopathy 101
Why is homeopathic medicine safe? Homeopathy is widely considered safe because of the special preparation process for homeopathic remedies. This involves repeated steps of dilution and...
What is Crystal Healing?
Put simply, crystal healing involves using gemstones to bring balance to an individual’s life and mind. The benefits of crystals. Crystals, such as quartz and obsidian, each have specific healing...
Letters from Christopher
The following letters have been received by me (Christophers mom) in ‘automatic writing’, from my son Christopher during the first two years of his new...
YOU are The Law of Attraction
Would you go out into the fields on a harvester if you hadn’t sowed seeds? That would be crazy. But believe it or not, so...
Tree of Life
The tree of life is a widespread archetype common to many religions, mythologies, and folktales – a common idea in cultures throughout the world. It represents,...
My Miracle Map to a Career in Radio
In my very early twenties, I stalked a Las Vegas radio station. I believe it was KENO radio, an AM station playing all the hits....
Our Chakra Energy Points and our Soul’s Journey
The journey of our soul is directly linked into our seven main chakra energy points. Each of these energy points represent a level (for want...
Meeting your Spirit Totems
Taken from How to Meet & Work with Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews The shaman works to reconnect conscious human life with nature and spirit...
You Thought Your Way Here – Think Your Way Somewhere Else
This work that I do has me walking between two worlds; the one I left behind in Washington a year next month and the one...