Spirit Connection
Creating From Our Whole Self
Taken from The Tenth Insight by James Redfield & Carol Adrienne In the new worldview, we will value each person’s unique qualities and be more...
You Are Who You Have Been Looking For
I came across this speech by Adam Roa the other day and just had to share it with you. When you watch it, don’t be...
Life Altering Amazon Delivery
When someone recommended a book, the very first piece of this puzzle I would be solving, my life exploded into many different directions. In no...
Messages from our Loved Ones in Spirit
I did a calculation the other day and was shocked to see that over a period of 20 years, I have done more than 5000...
Colour Meditations – Article 5
Taken from the book Colour Meditations by SGJ Ouseley Chapter V Thirty-one Colour Meditations In the “Statement of Principles,’ issued by the Cosmic Colour Fellowship,...
When to Let Go
A woman is facing an engagement being called off. Her fiancé has been acting weird and things have been stressful. When she brings up wedding...
Colour Meditations – Article 4
Taken from the book Colour Meditations by SGJ Ouseley Chapter V Thirty-one Colour Meditations In the “Statement of Principles,’ issued by the Cosmic Colour Fellowship,...
Colour Meditations – Article 3
Taken from the book Colour Meditations by SGJ Ouseley Chapter V Thirty-one Colour Meditations In the “Statement of Principles,’ issued by the Cosmic Colour Fellowship,...
Colour Meditations – article 2
Taken from the book Colour Meditations by SGJ Ouseley Chapter V Thirty-one Colour Meditations In the “Statement of Principles,’ issued by the Cosmic Colour Fellowship,...
Colour Meditations
Taken from the book Colour Meditations by SGJ Ouseley Chapter V Thirty-one Colour Meditations In the “Statement of Principles,’ issued by the Cosmic Colour Fellowship,...