Spirit Connection
The Lost Child
Let’s talk today about “The Lost Child.” I have been writing a series of articles to discuss the various categories that describe the roles that...
The Key To Inner Peace
To know what the key to inner peace is, we need to start with knowing what inner peace is. I looked it up and this...
The Enabler Child
A short while ago, I posted an article where we spoke about the Family Hero Child and today I would like to bring to your...
Enriching Lives Through Service
Many years ago, I attended a service at a beautiful Hare Krishna Temple is Lenasia. The first thing that struck me there was the warmth...
Transforming Dreams into Reality Through Dedication Igniting Passion
We all have at least one dream for ourselves. You know that something that you fantasise about and just wish was reality! Having a dream...
Family Ties – Child / Adult Roles
In every family, we all have a role to play. Here we explore the role of the “Family Hero Child.” Let met know if you...
Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta)
LKM has its roots in Buddhist practice. It’s sometimes called metta meditation. It can take many forms, but the core elements involve creating an attitude...
Cultivating Gratitude for a Fuller Life
Cultivating gratitude means that you choose to focus your time and attention on what you appreciate. Focusing on what makes you feel appreciative for, such as...
Mistakes are Proof that you’re Trying
In The Course in Miracles, we’re told that everything that we do comes either from a place of fear or from a place of love....
Express your Spirituality
What is it to be a spiritual person and how do you express that spirituality? In a nutshell, being a spiritual person means “just be...