Spirit Connection
Kuan Yin, the Albatross and a Prayer for Our Times
Devotion is the cultivation of a prayerful attitude within life. Contemplative prayer isn’t about asking for things, but is a still, open listening into “how...
Connecting with Our Own Power through Dance
Stress in our lives sometimes comes when we feel that we are not in control – or that we are at the mercy of other...
Spiritual Cleansing – A Way to Cleanse your Aura
Spiritual Cleansing is a technique used in psychic readings to dispel negative energy. We have negative energy surrounding us purely because we interact with other...
How to Meditate with your Eyes Open
Meditate with your eyes open, I hear you gasp! It’s difficult enough to meditate with my eyes closed! And yes, this meditation technique is somewhat...
Love, Honour and Respect
Ever noticed how life can catch up with you? How many times have you put things off only to find yourself at a point where...
New 10 Commandments
“A new commandment I give unto you, is to love one another as I have loved you.” Such a cherished and loved message from Jesus...
Living on the 7th Ray
So the world is still full of war and hatred I hear you say. But is it? Yes, there is much greed and lust for...
You are Creative Power in Action
Words spoken from the heart – spoken with genuine sincerity, kindness and loving acceptance, are what gets us through the day. Treating each other with...
Have Faith and Believe in Yourself
Have faith and believe in yourself and all will be well. This is a message that the guides are constantly reminding us about. They pass...
What does your Body say about You
Since early childhood I’ve had a keen interest in diversity, both on a cultural level as well as a metaphysical. As an empath and intuitive...