Hello friends, I am going to explain about the latest healing workshop and completed test that we at Reaching Out Therapy have been involved with.
Quantum field energy healing from our point of view is the co-collaborating with Mother Earth or Gaia, in the clearing balancing and harmonising the land, in this way those residing on the land are more able to heal themselves. We do not charge for this style of healing, simply because there is no one recipient unless you call the earth itself as the recipient and let us face it trying to get monetary recompense from Gaia would be akin to getting blood from a stone.
In developing this workshop, we were guided to the understanding that there are several layers of the earth that we can ground into, each one holding an energy echo of all co created energy from that place or region going back for a thousand years or so. These layers like the crust of the earth into which most people visualise their grounding are contaminated with trillions of energy echo’s many of which are negative in their energy make up here is an example.
We have all heard of places where accidents happen frequently we call them Accident black spots, well there is a lot of truth in that phrase as the death of people is recorded in the road surface like writing on a page, after several repeat deaths in the same spot the earth itself creates a negative energy cycle and will draw more negativity to itself in that location, this adversely affects people who pass over that spot regularly causing them to make uncharacteristic errors of judgement and thus creating another accident.
Now, Quantum field energy healing is here to send a positive energy into that location by using channelers like myself, we use whatever we are drawn to as a field generator to direct and amplify the energy placed within it (I use crystal grids), this then balances and harmonises the energy echo’s and thus breaks the cycle of events.
Now if we think that we are grounding into the tainted layer of the earth this will show up as possible past lives that require healing, at this level you may find multiple past life echo’s all causing a strong link to the physical person today creating pain in areas of the body that they cannot remember damaging.
So if we ground deeper into the earth then there are fewer of these echo’s of ours to find floating about so there is less chance of needing a past life healing, if we go deeper still then we are in the age of the dinosaurs and there were few humans about so we get even less echo’s, but if we ground at the core or centre of the earth in the time of its creation and also connect at the highest purest levels in the universe from around the time of the creation of the universes, two things will happen if you are a channeler like me.
1) your connection is at the absolute best purest and highest vibration that it is possible to achieve while in a human body.
2) there will be no echoes, so again this is the most harmonised energy from above and below you can connect with and there will be no past life problems to trouble you here.
Now, let us look at natural disasters, Tsunami, Tornado, Floods, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Volcanic activity to name but a few. To us they are devastating and usually result in the loss of life of not just humans but animals and vegetation all of which are sentient life forms with an incarnated soul fragment. These too can generate repeat cycles and quite often are related to as a Tornado season, or Wildfire season.
To Mother Earth these are itches that need scratching and just like we do to ourselves when we have a skin irritation we can end up damaging our own skin by constant or violent scratching, and often like us it creates a cycle that needs to be broken either by a parent or doctor taking some measures to alleviate the itch at source, Mother earth cannot have that done to her so once a cycle is started by her she has to let it run its full cycle until the energy has depleted enough to slow it down and stop it.
So, Gaia is also asking for help from us too, we as healers using Quantum field energy healing can be that parent or doctor soothing that itch at source and ending the destructive cycle much sooner, once healed the regeneration can begin again helping and healing those affected within the events environment.
12th December at 12 noon till 12 minutes past noon……
This is when the 12/12 portal, deep in the universe is fully opened and we can draw upon its higher frequency energy, just as myself and many who responded to our request for help did, we then sent this amplified energy into the volcano on Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. This was the first big test event of Quantum Field Energy Healing of the planet that I was asked to organise by my team of guides.
From the reports that I have read there was over the preceding few days a calming of the volcanic activity that was being monitored, but on Sunday there was a huge ash cloud eruption and 24 recorded mini quakes, this we are told by my team was the release of the pressure and cooling down of the magma, only time now will tell if our intentions to stop the volcanos eruptions of magma have been successful, others are reporting that many at the scene think this is the beginning of the end of activity so let’s wait and see if it is.
If this has been a successful test event then my team will give me more places that future tests will be applied to, this they say is how we as healers can achieve multiple free healings on millions of the earth’s populations at a time, using future portals and even more lightworkers to amplify the energies further.
In next month’s article I may have some good news regarding this healing’s efficacy, until then I will say goodbye from us in the UK. In love and light always John Povey.