Hello again friends it is John from Reaching Out Therapy here, and we would like to wish you all an incredibly happy new year for 2022.
Well, it is January 2022, and we would like to update you on our last article on this topic, as for our last involvement with Quantum Healing where we directed our amplified and accumulated energies directly into the throat of the Volcano on La Palma Island in the Canary Islands.
This was done on the 12th of December 2021 after this volcano had been erupting since September 2021. During this energy projection with the sole intent of cooling this particular part of Mother Earth, all of those lightworkers who responded to her call sent deep space universal energy (which often feels cold as it passes through us). We sent it directly into the volcano which was still pushing out some magma albeit slowly with little in the way of ash clouds.
This energy caused a huge eruption of fresh ash as the energy hit a one-off final show of power, this was followed by twenty-four mini quakes all going deeper with each one. We were told that it was like a series of doorways or valves closing, then all went quiet. After 10 days of no significant activity, no ash clouds, no quakes the Spanish agency monitoring this volcano since it started, declared this volcanic event was now over and the clean-up can begin.
As yet we have not been given a new area for our next test event which will take place on the 22nd February 2022 or 22022022@22.22-22.44. This will be even more powerful due to the significance of the portal we will be connecting with, but in general terms for those not understanding the 24 hour clock system, our next event will take place on the 22nd of February 2022, at precisely 10.22pm for 22 minutes duration.
Now, I would like to explain a little more about the Quantum Field Energy Healing that we do here at Reaching Out Therapy, there are so many variations according to different practitioners and belief systems so here goes our version.
We are dealing with the Quantum Energy Fields of Mother Earth here, and they are best described like this. Think of a tree with its age rings growing from the centre outwards towards the bark. At its core it is the purest it can be whereas at the bark it carries the most toxins, and those toxins get clearer the nearer to the core you get. Now relate this to the Earth itself – her crust is the most toxic environment – the deeper you go the clearer it gets. Now think on this where have we been told for centuries to ground ourselves and how? We have been told to send down roots into the earth and anchor it there or something similar.
Now for the interesting bit – every event in the earth’s history is recorded in a copy of that Co-Created energy and stored within the earths crust. The outermost layer will carry every event that goes on today, and tomorrows will sit on top of that and so it continues. Let me explain it in more detail for you. A person drives their car while they are under the influence of drink, lets say that through the impairment of the alcohol he has an accident and as a result kills himself and the occupant of the vehicle he collided with. The results are two deaths which will be recorded by the driver and the occupant of the other vehicle and stored temporarily into their chakra systems. They pass over to spirit and upload this and all other event information into their Akashic records. But the energy imprint they co-created is also stored within the Earths crust at that accident site. We all know that like energy attracts like energy so this copy stored at this point will create a sort of energy pool. In time more deaths will occur there – this then becomes what we call “an accident black spot.”
Now take this simple analogy and relate it to a war zone like the Middle East or Europe or Africa and even the United States. These places where acts of genocide have occurred. Think of how much toxic energy is there. Because like attracts like these cycles of war will continue in one form or another, and even if there are no foreign armies fighting there then the people on the land will fight amongst themselves “civil war”.
Now like all good archaeologists or palaeontologists can take a core sample and tell you what was going on at certain times in history. We can tell you that many of you will have an Echo of the energy you co-created in a past life here on earth stored within the planet itself. Now when you ground yourself depending on the depth you reach down, your core may encounter that echo and in this life it will bring to you symptoms from that past life that may need to be harmonised to break a certain life cycle.
This is a brief description of our style of Quantum Field Energy Healing, it crosses over timelines into other dimensions of this planets evolution. There is still much more for us to learn on this topic and maybe in time many different Quantum healing practitioners will join forces and co-create something so powerful and special that our planet can be saved from the destruction we rain down upon it.
I will leave you in love and light as always John.