I used to approach my spiritual development on a very rational basis. Even though I am highly intuitive, my mind was always there, trying to make sense of it, explain it to others, clarifying the energy.
This led to a highly effective team effort between crown, third eye and mind, which is why I am such a successful Akashic reader. I feel the energy, my channel is open for the information to come in and I can then describe it, translate it and work with it, help you shift lifetimes worth of stuck energy.
Visualising or meditating into the stillness of nothingness was probably the easiest pathway for me, into those upper realms. It was my entryway into spirituality, my gateway drug… Maybe it is the same for you?
But I could not serve my clients or the world without engaging from my heart chakra. So, next I had to work on opening that, which had closed itself of into a guarded state from many disappointments and hurts.
It took a lot to start coming at life from a place of love and openness and flow, but it was an amazing shift. And that worked well too: it led to new realisations, new activations, new levels of enlightenment, new feelings of oneness and being connected to the great All that is most of the time.
But still the impact was limited, so I had to begin using my solar plexus chakra to be brave and begin showing up authentically in my world, to step into my own power. I began to use my throat chakra to speak my soul truth, because that was what the call to action was.
To do that I had to heal all the places I had given away my power and understand why I was doing it. To not be afraid of what people would say or think. Giving up being a people pleaser was hard. Is hard still.
But doing so, little by little, likeminded soulful people began recognising and resonating with what I was saying and doing, and I began to find my communities.
Through the past year or so I have been guided on a journey to working with my lower chakras, the root and sacral. I truly am on this amazing journey of true soul embodiment, bringing my whole soul power to that unfathomable place.
Of all the doorways into spirituality I find this one the hardest, because it is going somewhere the mind simply cannot go.
It is fully embodied, fully entering the lower seat of the soul and trusting the body, trusting its wisdom and movement and healing. It is also the one with the most subconscious blocks and energy patterns, I am finding.
It is the doorway without the words, without even the glimmers of understandings of the others. It is primal and it is the most powerful one yet.
But the power that comes online from working with this doorway, bringing energy and awareness to it is indescribable.
Instead of visualising or stilling the mind into nothingness, this is the realm of instinctual all-ness, of embodied pure potentiality and explosive creative power.
When we meditate on our chakras we usually start at the root, because it is the one that grounds us and holds the space for everything else.
I am only now realising, because of my challenging journey through these, in the reverse, that bringing my whole soul energy to this chakra was the biggest missing element all along. Without this, all my creations and dreams were drifting like aimless autumn leaves in the sky.
They could not manifest into grounded reality, because my spirituality was not anchored or grounded into reality, into my body, into the wholeness of my energetic being.
So as encouragement for your journey today I wanted to share this daunting eye-opening realisation with you.
To which chakra do you find it the easiest to bring your full wise whole soul energy to? Do let me know in the comments.
And if I may make a suggestion? Begin working with embodiment practices and root chakra shadow work in whatever way your soul guidance presents itself to you. I think you will find it surprisingly effective to unlocking what you want to unlock and create in your life.
Lots of love xox
Melanie Britz is an author, mystic, specialist Akashic records reader and healer. Her passion is helping people achieve their highest potential so they can live their best lives now.
She is currently developing a new Oracle card deck (The Energy of Abundance oracle) which is linked to energy activations tapping into power places on earth where there are powerful leylines, sacred places and energy vortexes to help heal and shift our blocks towards abundance in all forms and aspects.
Her website is www.melaniebritz.com