I was born in 1957 and going back through my earliest memories, I can only ever remember everyone talking about us moving into the Age of Aquarius. For those of us who were young in the 60’s and moving through into the 70’s, this ‘new age’ made us feel like we had stumbled on something sacred. Something that brought to us a sense of freedom from oppression, from being forced into a social construct we were no longer willing to conform to.
Ancient cultures as we know, lived deeply connected to the earth and the heavens above. The sun, moon and stars were an absolute wonder to them. Within those ancient cultures, were highly intelligent scholars who studied the heavens and who noted that a perfect alignment of the sun and earth appeared every 26 000 years.
Spiritual teachings of the great ancients have taught us that every 2 000 years, we move from one Age to another. Each of these ages are dominated by the energies of the 12 zodiac signs. The Golden Age of Light, or the Age of Aquarius – the more commonly known name – brings with it a transition to the fifth dimension, where it is believed that dreams become reality, manifestations are instantaneous and experiences are perpetual freedom. It’s no wonder that when we first heard murmurings of the Age of Aquarius, we felt the spark of freedom being lighted in us all! That is the reality.
From a more spiritual perspective, each age is dominated by a Colour Ray and the energies or forces associated with the Master of that particular Colour Ray. The Age of Aquarius falls under the auspices of the Seventh Ray under instruction by St Germain – Master of the Seventh Ray. It is the Purple Ray and is known as the Ray of Ceremonial Order.
To understand where the Age of Aquarius begins, this Age is associated with the position of the March equinox. In 2023, the location of the Sun on the March equinox is in the constellation of Pisces, but also on the border of Aquarius. This means that we are slowly moving out of the age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius.
The age of Pisces was governed by the Sixth Ray (the Pink Ray) under instruction of the Master Jesus. The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Devotion and Deep Emotional Commitment – it is also known as the Ray of the Christ Consciousness.
There is no exact science as to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius and the end of the Age of Pisces. Some astrologers suggest it started on 20th March 2021 in the northern hemisphere, while others thought it to have begun as early as December 2020 or even earlier in 2012.
We most certainly find ourselves on the cusp of both Ages with much merging, integrating and transitioning or shifting from the softer Energies of the Sixth Ray to the more forceful energies of the Seventh Ray. Also moving from the more heart-centred energies of the Age of Pisces into the more mindful energies of the Age of Aquarius.
With the combining of the two energies, it’s no wonder the world seems to have turned upside down. Essentially that’s exactly what it has done! Whilst the earth appears to be a massive, stable planet moving through space, it actually ‘wobbles’ very slowly – similar to a spinning top. As it wobbles, it moves in a circular motion that I can only describe as moving from top to bottom and back again and each of these ‘wobbles’ takes 26 000 years.
We all feel like we’re moving through time being affected by energies outside of our control. Our lives can sometimes feel very stable, and then along comes some cataclysmic event that sends everything completely out of control. Our emotions run high and low, and our relationships are sometimes great, and sometimes not. There are times when we feel we know who we are and times when we don’t. One moment we know what we want, and the next we have absolutely no clue!
I have a suspicion that it’s going to be some time before we’re feeling like we have our stuff together. For most of us, perhaps not even in this lifetime – that’s the bad news! The good news, is that we all have many lifetimes to still experience and the likelihood that we’ll return within the next 26 000 years is quite good. Gives you something to look forward to – a world that is filled with people who have taken responsibility for their lives. A very different experience of life influenced by St Germain, who for me can only be described as a ‘take no prisoners’ kind of energy.
When we hear people talking of the great awakening and moving into the fifth dimension and those who aren’t prepared being left behind, this does not mean that only selected souls will move into some kind of utopia leaving others in a place more akin to purgatory. What it does mean is that for those who have worked to become more accustomed to and aligned with, the energies of the new Age of Aquarius, the transition into this greater more powerful energy, will be easier – more comfortable.
All I can say is, be prepared for this new energy when it does finally hit us full on. Everything is going to happen much faster than it already does. Manifestations will be so much greater and much more easily attained. Learn to know who you are, what you stand for, and what you want!