Speak to anyone and they will tell you that they’d love to be able to see their future. I have so many clients coming to see me to ask the guides what will happen next, where will they be in the next couple of months. Will they meet the love of their life? Will they make money this year? Will they land that job they’ve been working so hard to get?
I have to tell you this… to some extent our spirit guides can predict the future. However, and it’s a very big however… they can only predict a future for you based on your current behaviours. So think about that, particularly when next you’re inclined to ask the guides about your future. Realise too that the reason you’re asking is because you don’t feel like you have any control in your own life.
I teach people how to connect to their spirit guides and how to hear what they say, how to interpret the messages they get and how to work with their spirit guides to create the life that they want. It’s important for all my students and anyone else reading this article, to understand that whilst your spirit guide is very aware of the path that you have chosen, and they can guide you and direct you to align your physical experience as much as possible to that spiritually chosen path, they cannot do the work for you to get you to where you want to be!
So probably the most important teaching that comes through and the most important message today for us all, is that we cannot abscond from taking responsibility for our life. We are the ones who are in control. I promise you that when you realise this and you take 100% control, the feeling of liberation is one that cannot be put into words!
And of course, when you are in control of your life and you know without shadow of doubt where you are directing the course of your life, you can so easily predict the outcome. That is why I say, the best way to predict your future is to create it.
In my personal development course, I gently guide you through every aspect of creating your own life. Of imaging a life that is as perfect and close to your absolute best dream, and then putting in the work to create it. Yes, it takes discipline and it takes commitment and dedication. But, the rewards so outweigh the pain that you will wonder why you didn’t start earlier. Why you didn’t believe in yourself enough to know that you can not only create the life you want, but that you can live that life, you can experience every aspect of it every step of the way. You don’t need to hand that power over to someone else to do it for you – in fact, it doesn’t work like that!
If you feel dissatisfied with your life and you feel like you’re sitting around waiting for someone else to make a decision that affects your life; keeping yourself in a state of limbo because you’re waiting for an outcome to be created for you, you are going to find yourself unhappy and always feeling unfulfilled. But when you take hold of that power, grabbing it with both hands, and you envision a life for you that is filled with happiness, abundance in every manner, shape and form, you have set yourself on a road to complete and utter liberation. You’re setting yourself free.
Free from being controlled by outside forces. Free from being dominated by others. Free from pandering to other people and their whims. Free from feeling not good enough. Free from doubt and that all-consuming imposter syndrome that always seems to get the better of us. Just free to be yourself! To be who you were always meant to be – that is truly something to look forward to.
#spiritguides #takebackyourpower #personaldevelopment #liberating